

In the Cardstore.com video, a series of applicants are interviewed for a 'director of operations' position via webcam, with a man on the other end explaining the role they're expected to fulfil. The interviewees get more and more incredulous as he tells them the position is 365 days a year, 24 hours a day with no pay, no vacation and long periods of standing up and bending over. 'This job requires that you must be able to work standing up most or really all of the time,' he says. 'You're constantly on your feet, constantly bending over, constantly exerting yourself, a high level of stamina.' 'That's a lot,' says one woman, wincing a little at the prospect. The actor playing the interviewer adds: 'We're really looking for someone that has a degree in medicine and finance and the culinary arts.' And when another woman asks if there are any breaks at all, he responds: 'You can have lunch, but only when the associate is done eating their lunch.' He elaborates by saying: 'It's not just a job, it's sort of... probably the most important job,' but the interviewees don't buy it. When he tells one woman that there is no pay, that she'll be expected to work 24 hours a day, and that 'sometimes [she'll] have to stay up with an associate throughout the night,' her eyes widen. 'If you had a life, we'd ask you to sort of give that life up,' he says. 'That's almost cruel,' she responds. 'That's almost a very, very sick, twisted joke.' Realization: Finally, the interviews take a turn when he says: 'What if I told you that there's actually someone that holds this position right now? Billions of people actually.... Moms' 'Oh my god,' says one interviewee, smiling when he realizes he's been duped. 'Moms are the best!' Another man grins as he says: 'Now I'm thinking about my mom. I'm thinking about all those nights and everything.'


