

Hello Everyone. 喂 每个人! 17/7/2013I want to share my journey regarding how I came to be interested in the Chinese People and their culture.It all started in May 2013. I have some problems with my short term memory, and to overcome this problem I was looking for ways to train my brain. The one way that was recommended as a good exercise to keep your brain healthy and fit was to learn a new language.Because I live in South Africa I thought why not learn the Zulu`s language which is a native people in South Africa, but because I wanted to use the Pimsleur method in studying the new language and because it was not available yet in this method I had to look for another language.Now in my Company for which I work we have a lot of Chinese customers and I thought that this will be a unique opportunity for advancement also in my career as it will allow me to speak with them in their own language which will give me a huge advantage above other people. So I decided I am going to learn verbal Mandarin, so I started downloading the course and while downloading the course I saw this dating advertisement regarding Chinese woman and because I am a male and single and because the woman was very beautiful, I decided what the heck, lets take a look. What a surprise, the woman of China is truly beautiful and what a greater shock and surprise to find out that there is a certain age group of woman who is viewed in China as not suitable for marriage any more and most of them is Beautiful and educated.Well, good news for me then and bad news for the men from China. If they cannot value, that which is good and valuable, then most certainly they don`t deserve them.So I decided that I am going to go to China to see for myself what China is really like, what is the people like and what is their traditions and culture. So from then on I have started to gather information and read as much as possible about the Chinese and their culture and the more I have read about the values regarding family, relationships from the woman's side, I have just become more convinced that I will find a good woman from China that can fulfill my life.I am not here to change the Chinese, I am here and I am going to China to be changed by them in certain regards. I am going to learn how to adapt to a culture different than my own and to respect them.So from the end of July, I will be in China for the first time in my life to see with my own eyes, what the people, the land and the culture are like and to come to my own conclusion that is not misguided or influenced by people who view each other as enemies. For me the human race is one people, it does not matter from what nationality or nation you originate. In this time I will give an account of my journey in this country and its people and share with you my thoughts and experiences.I have met some lovely people online not only from China but also from other parts of the world who already work and reside in China. I have come to respect them and value their views and input.Just a Quick Update. 25/07/2013I got my visa yesterday. So currently I am just waiting for the time to past so that I can get on my way. My flight leaves from South Africa on the 31st July at Midnight South African time.As I go I will take Pictures of my Journey from the start and share it under the travel Category in the forum. I don`t know if I will be able to update it each day, but I will try my best.