Mar 17, 2025, 17:58
- And Melon Husk's Crude Attempt At Mercantalism
As Dr. Gregory Clarke told us they wrote in the margins of his report that they wanted to see India and China "at each other's throats". Ganging up on others and using their vassals to attack their victims is a constant theme of Anglo/Jew gangsterism.
Beijing discouraging Chinese firms from factory investments in India while also limiting the outflow of workers and equipment
- China is trying to kneecap Indian manufacturing
This is Asia Times Online, which is based in Hong Kong but which jewish-Amerikan, David P. Goldman, admits he's commandeered as "deputy editor". It has a strong focus on millitary hardware and geopolitical conflict, so the above excrement-agitating should come as no surprise.
No substantiating evidence is offered, but it does admit:
And to be fair, not all of the chill is coming from China; India’s leaders have also blocked some Chinese investments.
So it could even be that China is limiting investment in India AT INDIA'S REQUEST!
In fact, there is little evidence of the sort of protectionist nature the Great Satan has shown:
Since 2022, however, China’s focus has shifted dramatically to “greenfield” investment — Chinese companies are building their own offices and factories overseas:
. . .
Greenfield FDI is in many ways more of a boon to the receiving country than M&A; when you build new factories and offices in a country, it creates new jobs, and often transfers new technologies, instead of just changing the ownership of an existing business. And unlike M&A, greenfield FDA tends to target developing countries, because it’s usually at least partially about reducing costs.
. . .
So we should generally view China’s outbound investment boom as a great thing for the world. It’s helping to industrialize poor countries like Indonesia and Morocco, and to diversify and technologically upgrade the economies of middle-income countries like Brazil, Turkey, Mexico and Thailand. Chinese-led globalization is looking like a positive alternative to America’s bizarre, ideologically-motivated retreat from the world economy.
But still it attempts to smear China:
But there are signs that China will not be as friendly and beneficent a globalizer as the US was in the 1990s and 2000s.
. . .
And unlike China, India probably won’t force out multinational companies once it has strip-mined them for their technological secrets.
Again, ZERO substantiating evidence is supplied. Which companies were "forced" out? What technological secrets were strip-mined?
Instead, the truth is the exact opposite. It's Melon Husk, from apartheid South Africa who depends on CATL and BYD battery technology and China's EV manufacturers dominate the World in other EV technologies too. Whilst Melon Husk hires whites to design self-crashing, self-immolating death-pods, Amerikans themselves complain that the Model 3 looks like it's been designed by a child. It's Tesla which has set up a factory in Shanghai, just as Apple is dependent on China for making iPhones, whilst being dependent on Samsung for technology, as well as being sued by Samsung for thieving it. You could also claim that this is Husk's and Cook's attempt to keep China performing manual labour, with Husk patronising Chinese on their amazing abilities to perform manual labour. It's Verizon which was banned from selling Huawei phones in the gangster-run, thieved, prison-state of Amerika before they thieved Huawei's 5G technology, even as the Anglo/Jew propaganda lied that Huawei was a security risk, despite the NSA demanding that Huawei install a back-door but were refused.
When China dominated the World's patents, the Anglo/Jew propaganda claimed they were of low quality, as though they qualitatively reviewed the millions of patents filed each year.
Then it reveals the core thrust of the propaganda article:
Other advanced countries — Germany, Japan, Korea, France, and so on — want to avert a future where Chinese companies dominate the globe. The best way to do that is to invest in India.
The US, of course, ought to be India’s most important and valuable ally in this struggle. A rational and reasonable US would be trying to encourage as much investment as possible in India, and to boost India’s technological capabilities and income level as fast as possible.
Did this clown mean to say that bit out loud?
China surpassed the Great Satan quackonomy in 1996, so they tried to hold her back by subjecting her to the WTO rules (which the Great Satan routinely violates, including ignoring rulings). But China still surpassed the Great Satan in PPP GDP terms and in terms of actual productivity is clearly BY FAR the largest economy on the planet, with India second. Now war criminal, The Donald, and war criminal, "Genocide Joe" Biden, have implemented HUGE tariffs especially on China's exports.
Another article points out that the Great Satan doesn't have it's own engineers:
It’s not clear where US will find the 300,000 engineers and other high-tech workers needed to staff planned new chip plants
- US chip-making dream awakes to labor crisis reality
Like Poodleville, the Great Satan is a nation of spivs. It was Lord Weinstock who notoriously announced that he needed bean counters rather than engineers because bean-counters made him money. The moron saw engineers, who are actually supposed to create wealth, as a financial cost rather than an investment.
This is why in Poodleville those of us who try and study STEM degrees (but get ripped-off with a dodgy yooniversity course or even worse a Mickey Mouse one) often end up in the financial sector, because STEM gradyooits are not appreciated.
Of course, it was Weinstock himself who was the burden. Marconi only made money by resorting to corruption. State funded projects used the cost+ paradigm, whereby a profit was guaranteed and all costs would be carried by the taxsucker. One defence contract was a WHOPPING thirty years late such that it was abandoned because the technology had become obsolete.
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