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Krapto Kurrencies Krater



Mar 03, 2025, 00:16

Buttcoins are down 10.1% ytd.

Its low of $78,225.84 was more than 25 percent off the levels above $109,000 touched last month as Trump entered office, and was down 20 percent in the past week alone. It is currently priced at $84,504.
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He noted that another popular cryptocurrency, ethereum, had lost nearly half its value since mid-December.

“According to some analysts, that represents not just a correction, but a full-blown bear market,” he added, noting that Bitcoin had lost most of the gains made since Trump was elected in November.
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In fact, a bear market is generally considered to be a fall from a peak of 20% or more. Halving of Ethereum's price is an implosion. It's only with the decades-long everything-bubble that volatility is so high.

The policy of higher prices was evident during the Great Depression, which was the necessary adjustment after the credit excesses of the Roaring Twenties. Along with AI and WFH, krapto is supposed to raise energy consumption and prices. Gold was confiscated to deprive the amerikan sheeple of a store of value. The next episode of insolvency was the stagflation of the 1970s. With war criminal, Nixon, having defaulted on gold in 1971, the jew-confetti could be used to further socialise losses onto the masses. This allowed the ban on gold ownership to be dropped in 1974.

Yet, here we are again and war criminal, The Donald, is imposing tariffs, which is also an admission that the jew-confetti era is over. So what will it be this time around? Whilst tariffs appear to be preparations for the new monetary World order, when the Great Satan has to minimise its trade deficit and DOGE addresses its budget deficit, policies to address the already-acculumated debt have yet to be announced othere than Scott Bessent's promise to "monetise the asset side" of the Great Satan's balance sheet some time in the next 12 months.

Krapto-kurrencies are both a pump 'n dump and a roach motel. The spectacular rises in price are irresistable to suckers. Celebrities have also endorsed krapto-kurrencies. Doug Casey has ridiculed the euro, saying that whilst the "worthless paper" USD is an "IOU nothing", the euro is a "Who owes you nothing?". Yet he endorses buttcoins, despite them clearly being a "Nobody owes you anything". His latest bad investment advice is, "10 x 10 Approach", which is a propaganda article on how to diversify. But one article quoted the Shyster of Omaha saying that for those who know what they're doing, diversification doesn't make much sense.

As some call it, krapto-kurrencies are "speculative", which is double-speak for saying they're fraudulent and a pure gamble. As they're imaginary coins they have no value whatsoever and could fall to zero. Because they're a gamble, you couldn't sell the farm and put the cash into a krapto-kurrency without risking impoverishing yourself. Similarly, in the shares markets, brokers don't allow buy or sell orders more than 10% from spot prices, to stop you making large profits too. "Leverage" amplifies losses as well as gains.

Gold, by contrast, is unlikely to see a collapse, certainly not to zero. The worst was in 2013, when the banksters dumped gold just before markets opened on a Monday morning in Cesspit London and smashing prices by a third. This required that the banksters colluded and/or violated position limits, both of which are illegal. To fund this, they raided gold ETF funds for physical metal reducing ETF holdings by a whopping third. Whilst silver was also smashed, silver ETFs actually saw investment increase by 2% that year. This is why you get the likes of Jiminy Rickards recommending that you only put a small proportion of your savings in gold rather than the 100% I have; he doesn't want you to become financially secure as I have done

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