Feb 24, 2025, 20:48
For many, it might be no exaggeration to describe the disruptive impacts of the first month of the second Donald Trump administration as earthshaking.
That has certainly been the case for the United States' European allies, as his administration's approach to the Russia-Ukraine conflict has left them floundering as they scramble to adjust.
What has taken the rest of the world aback is not that the US president, whom his most zealous admirers call the "greatest dealmaker on Earth", is prepared to broker a deal, but that he has initiated talks with Russia that so far exclude all other parties. Even Ukraine and the European Union have not been invited to the table.
It is the Trump administration's approach to the settlement that has left the US' allies and partners bemused and anxious, as they have been left wondering whether they can continue to count on the US security guarantees, and what form of European order they can expect going forward.
The first weeks of the Trump administration have made it clear that nothing matters in the face of the imperative to put "America First". To "Make America Great Again", it appears that the administration will not hesitate to throw the US' allies, let alone Ukraine as a non-ally, under the bus.
After blaming the war on Ukraine and President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the US president is mounting pressure on the latter to sign an agreement that surrenders half of Ukraine's mineral resources in exchange for so-far unsubstantiated US support.
The US administration seems determined to press ahead with its one-on-one engagement with Russia. It is already talking about improved bilateral relations post settlement.
On Ukraine's part, President Zelenskyy has expressed willingness to sign such a deal and resign in exchange for a just end to the war and/or NATO membership for his country.
With conflict fatigue setting in after three years of fighting, every stakeholder, Russia included, appears to be in favor of a negotiated end to the war.
That means that although the positions of all parties are not consistent, "a window for peace is being opened", as Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi pointed out when speaking to the Chinese media on Saturday, after returning from his visits to the United Kingdom and Ireland and his chairing of a high-level meeting of the United Nations Security Council, and attendance at the Munich Security Conference and the G20 foreign ministers' meeting.
Wang urged support for all efforts committed to peace, saying that "dialogue is better than confrontation, and peace talks are better than war".
China has made its position clear on what the outcomes of any peace talks should be: It expects the parties to find a sustainable and lasting solution that accommodates each other's concerns and promotes long-lasting peace and stability in Europe.
China has always called for an early and peaceful settlement of the crisis and has been actively promoting peace talks in line with President Xi Jinping's four-point observations about what must be done. In his phone call with his Russian counterpart on Monday, in which he said that China is pleased to see that Russia and relevant parties have made positive efforts to resolve the crisis, Xi stressed that the four propositions are the basis for a political settlement. He reiterated that China is committed to creating an atmosphere and accumulating the conditions for a political solution to the crisis.
Wang also made clear that China will continue to play a constructive role in supporting a political settlement of the crisis; working to build a consensus on ending the conflict so as to pave the way for peace and the establishing of a balanced, effective and sustainable European security architecture.
With the Trump team saying they want a deal in place within 100 days, it can be anticipated that things will gather pace. But while it is clear that both Ukraine and Russia will have to accommodate some ceding of their staked out positions, one unanticipated impediment to the long-hoped for peaceful resolution to the now three-year-old Russia-Ukraine conflict may be the Trump administration's attempts to ensure that the US is the one that profits from it.
Trump is wrong to blame Jokeslenskyy.
Clownslenskyy is a clown not a presidential material.
US schemed Ukraine into a war. Nuland's brainless street culture was part of the evidence. Had US not interferred, Russia would not have needed to push back. US is clearly at the bottom of everything, so US is the primary guilty party.
Ukraine having voted in a joker as President shows they don't think as Ukrainians, rather they think they are Americans which is utterly stupid. Americans are represented by Anglos and Jews not Slavs. It shows that the Ukrainians had learnt nothing from the disintegration of USSR and YUGOSLAVIA., both predominantly Slavic communities. Then voting in a clown, who is now preparing to run away after causing loss of territories, hundred thousands of dead Slavic people, enabling corruption to enrich a few in particular foreign ones and displacing millions of Ukrainians, Ukrainians should be openning champagne to celebrate Clownslenskyy's "brilliant" success.
Still Ukraine wants to talk to US first, another act designed to fail. Russia is just next door, how difficult is it for Ukraine to knock on Russia's door and talk with Russia? The only reason Ukraine isn't doing so is because the entire Ukraine fell into US' trap of "thinking how US media will tell the story and portray the Ukrainians" and hence is so afraid to do the smart thing.
Of course Russia is at fault too. Yielding to US now is no big brother act. How can the Russians restore their relationship with the Ukrainians if US is calling the shots? If Putin is not strong enough to force Ukraine to come to Russia first, why then start the war? The only way forward is to get Ukraine to work together with Russia to help Ukraine to outright reject and refuse to recognise all the support given to Ukraine over the last 3 years. Ukraine need not be held responsible for all the support it received and hence no debts need to be repaid. No need for Ukraine to sign away its wealth!!! If Putin allows Clownslenskyy to sign away Ukraine's wealth when it was fooled by US, then Russia is not helping Ukraine and Russia can never rebuild its relationship with Ukraine,. Also this means NATO gained. What was Russia's war about then?
It is important that Russia, Ukraine and Belarus galvanise themselves together to consolidate a 200 million population. This will be a significant force and a significant market. However, Russia should not attempt to go too deep into manufacturing. With more than 7 billion population globally, competitive manufacturing of communities of more than 100 million are aplenty. India, Brazil, Indonesia, Pakistan, Vietnam, Japan, Nigeria, US, EU just to name a few. Its better for Russia to focus on agriculture and mining with their related manufacturing activities.
The Anglo/Jew gangsters don't WANT peace.
They plan for war:
Ten days after the attacks of 11 September 2001, former US Army General Wesley Clark revealed a controversial military strategy. In a conversation in the corridors of the Pentagon, Clark learned of a secret plan to “eliminate seven countries in five years.” This 2007 revelation raised many questions about the real motivations of the “War on Terror” and the garbage narrative fed to the world via mainstream media.
- Here's Why The Stage Has Been Set For War With Iran...
The Great Satan and poodle used to have a "war department" not a department of defence.
Whilst Dr. Gregory Clarke told us that they wrote in the margins of his report that they wanted to see China and India "at each other's throats", the Jews are also rabid nutjobs:
Let’s look at some quotes:
Midrasch Talpioth, p. 225-L Jehovah created the goyim in human form so that the Jew would not have to be served by beasts. The goyim is consequently an animal in human form, and condemned to serve the Jew day and night.
Sanhedrin 57a . When a Jew murders a goyim, there will be no death penalty. What a Jew steals from a goyim he may keep.
Baba Mezia 114b The goyim are not humans. They are beasts.
Baba Kamma 113a. Jews may use lies to circumvent a goyim.
Abodah Zarah 36b. Goyim girls are in a state of niddah (filth) from birth.
Menahoth 43b-44a. A Jewish man is obligated to say the following prayer every day: “Thank you God for not making me a goyim, a woman or a slave.”
Sanhedrin 57a . A Jew need not pay a goyim the wages owed him for work.
Baba Mezia 24a . If a Jew finds an object lost by a goyim it does not have to be returned.
Abodah Zarah 22a-22b . Goyim prefer sex with cows.
Libbre David 37 Â To communicate anything to a goyim about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all Jews, for if the goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly.
Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 156 When a Jew has a goyim in his clutches, another Jew may go to the same goyim, lend him money and in turn deceive him, so that the goyim shall be ruined. For the property of a goyim, according to our law, belongs to no one, and the first Jew that passes has full right to seize it.
Hadarine, 20, B; Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 348 A Jew may do to a non-Jewess what he can do. He may treat her as he treats a piece of meat.
- Is the Talmud the most evil book on earth?
They've occupied Japan and Korea for decades and expanded the NATO gang non-stop as they want World domination. As self-hating Jew Bobby FIscher said:
My main interest right now is to expose the Jews. This is a lot bigger than me. They're not just persecuting me. This is not just my struggle, I'm not just doing this for myself... This is life and death for the world. These God-damn Jews have to be stopped. They're a menace to the whole world.
- Speaking to Eugene Torre, Radio Interview, May 24 1999
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