Feb 16, 2025, 21:06
The gold market attracts its share of fringe ideas, and in recent weeks one of them — that the US should revalue its gold stockpiles — has gripped Wall Street.
- Wall Street Talk of Revaluing US Gold Is Drawing Attention — and Skepticism
Get that? Revaluing gold would be a "fringe" idea, as in raving loon.
Gillian Tett in the Fraudulent Times of Cesspit London has also ridiculed gold:
Welcome to a financial Alice-in-Wonderland world where buying bullion seems almost sane.
- Gold Glitters as the Unimaginable Becomes Imaginable
Never mind that that is precisely what central banks are doing.
In summary: The US government should revalue its gold reserves from the $42-an-ounce set in 1973 to current prices, allowing the Treasury Department to monetize the sudden balance-sheet boost of about $750 billion, thereby reducing the need to issue bonds.
But revaluing the gold the Great Satan claims to have from $11bn to $754bn would cover less than two months of Great Satan squandering.
Beyond simply revaluing the US’s gold stocks, Stephen Miran, Trump’s nominee to lead the White House Council of Economic Advisors, has floated the idea of selling the stash.
And if they simply revalue but don't sell, that would only mean it's a bum-steer and they intend a second revaluation far higher.
And the lies continue:
Total US federal debt held by the public now stands at nearly $29 trillion.
Yet everyone knows the debt is $36.2Trn. Furthermore, as the FED is making losses, it has no profits to return to the Great Satan so specifying "held by the public" is as outrageous as Janet Yellen using a magic/space time-masheen to travel back to the past to buy back Great Satan bonds and report lower interest payments in the present.
Furthermore, Great Satan gold holdings haven't been audited in decades. When Germany demanded her gold back, not only did the Great Satan refuse to allow Germany to inspect her gold, it also announced that it would take seven years to deliver it, just as the LBMA is currently saying it will take several months to deliver gold to its rightful owners.
And more gold-bashing:
Markets always look their very best at the top . .
- Goldbug FOMO Is Setting Up the Market for a Fall
Huh? Gold prices are at the top? That's similar to war criminal, Giorgi Schwartz, being caught buying gold, only to then claim that buying into a bubble makes sense.
It then shows a graph which has been stretched horizontally to show gold prices only gradually rising. Even then, the World Gold Council announced that gold saw forty new all-time high prices in 2024, which just means the price is being held back. Free markets are highly unlikely to behave that way.
Furthermore, there aren't any imminent economic or monetary policy shocks looming that I can espy.
Never mind that war criminal, The Donald 2.0, is dismantling the Great Satan's squandering as Melon Husk has admitted that it's only a matter of time before the Great Satan defaults and a new round of tariff wars has been started following war criminal, The Donald 1.0 and war criminal, "Genocide Joe" Biden, continuing the tariff war.
The zionist Daily Telegraphic Nonsense offers its usual bum-steer investment advice:
Gold should not really be this high. Traditionally, the precious metal performs badly when interest rates rise. That is because, unlike bonds, shares, cash or property, it does not pay investors an income.
- The price of gold has run away from reality
That's BS. Gold doesn't need to offer a return because it has capital gains and those average over 10% since war criminal, Nixon, defaulted on gold in 1971; the biggest default in all of history.
The gold price should also prefer a weak dollar. The metal is denominated in the US currency.
That doesn't even make sense. It's denominated in any and all currencies. The "worthless paper" USD is not a fixed frame of reference. In fact, it's lost almost 99% of its purchasing power since 1971.
Like max. Kiester, it then offers a bum-steer promoting silver: There is around 15 times as much silver under the ground as gold. And for many years, that simple equation governed the ratio of the two prices.
But not only is silver less dense, such that an ounce of silver is the size of a coaster, but it also stores less value, currently about 1/90th that of gold.
Holding the physical metals is expensive, risky and impractical.
It's not. As gold-bugs say, if you don't hold it, you don't own it.
So another bum-steer is offered:
It is much easier to invest via an exchange-traded fund holding the metals themselves – iShares offers both. Or by investing in the mining companies that dig the metals out of the ground.
ETFs are notorious for not having the metla they claim to have. So buying these neutralises your bet and stops you bidding up the gold price. Mining shares too massively underperform the gold price, like Blackrock Gold & General, which the zionist Daily Telegraphic Nonsense has been touting for many years.
Peter Schiff too recommends gold mining shares rather than gold.
Investors are starting to wake up to the reality that the gold bull market is just beginning. And gold companies are laughably cheap.
- Peter Schiff: They Completely Missed the Point on Inflation
So Schiff is a fake gold-bug; the silicon-implant of the investing community.
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