Feb 02, 2025, 20:20
With an annual trade deficit of $1.2 trillion and a net international investment position of negative $25 trillion, the United States has to sell more than a trillion dollars of assets to the rest of the world each year.
Foreign investors stopped buying US debt five years ago, and the US has been covering its trade deficit by selling tech stocks to foreigners. A shakeout in the stock market would have repercussions for the US dollar.
- Three reasons why gold’s record run is different
Of course, the Great Satan's tech shares are wildly over-priced, so the Great Satan is defrauding its creditors; par for the course for a nation of illegal immigrants which started both World Wars to impose jew-confetti on the planet and are now robbing their own sheeple on the highways with civil asset forfeiture and peddling imaginary krapto-currencies which are backed by nothing and nobody in the most ridiculous FARCE in all of history.
Let’s look at the numbers in terms of dividend yield.
o Microsoft is yielding .7%
o Apple .5%
o Meta .4%
o Alphabet .4%
o NVIDIA less than .1% and Amazon and Tesla don’t pay dividends.
- What’s the Best Magnificent 7 Stock for Dividend Investors?Stock That Pays More Dividends Than Any Other U.S.-Based Company
So the best of the "magnificent seven" is Microkrap and that's a krappy 0.7%. I'm guessing the above article omitted the zero out of embarassment. Notice there's two missing, presumably not paying any dividends at all, so are pure Ponzi schemes.
At the turn of the century Switzerland came off the gold-standard and dumped over 1,000 tons of gold, despite being a signatory to the Central Bank Gold Agreement, (aka the Warshington Agreement). she replaced the gold with a lot of Great Satan shares.
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