Dec 11, 2024, 15:26
Bob Coleman, founder of Idaho Armored Vaults, highlighted that a 1-ounce gold futures contract could have been an excellent innovation if it were physically settled. Such a product would have helped reduce spreads and transaction costs in the physical bullion market while enhancing market transparency and liquidity. However, Coleman lamented that CME Group opted to make this contract cash-settled instead, missing an opportunity to provide these benefits:
- Understanding The Implications Of The CME's New 1oz Gold Futures
That's nonsense. physical delivery makes NO DIFFERENCE to the spread and would probably increase transaction costs.
The purpose of this contract is to provide a new way to keep the sheeple impoverished, similar to the tariffs war criminal, The Donald, has imposed, rather than the sales taxes the Shyster of Omaha proposed several years ago.
The contract comes as the amerikan sheeple have been buying 1oz bars from Costco that were sold out within hours.
I've saved a six-figure sum, merely by dumping the jew-confetti and holding gold and I'm not what you would call rich. In fact, I live like a pauper, watching the pennies.
The contract is little different from the gold ETFs where retail investors also can't take physical delivery, so neutralises any bet.
Several years ago Ann Barnhardt appeared on max. Kiester's Schwing-Swchwing Show set her hair on fire and ran around in circles, screaming "Get out of the futures market", as Jon Corzine raided client funds at MF Global along with Jamie Dimon, who also raided client funds at PFG Best, with the mysterious "suicide" of its manager. JP Morgan has even been caught trafficking illegal drugs on a boat. But that was wholesale investors who could take delivery of physical, similar to how the Hunt Brothers took delivery of silver in the 1970s, so were arrested.
It highlights the strain in the market as the World is clearly moving back to a gold-standard. The BRICS+ group repeatedly deny they're trying to undermine the "worthless paper" USD so that it doesn't collapse. But conspicuous by its absence is any denial that they're moving back to a gold-standard, though president Putin pointed out that another fiat currency would be pointless.
The thieved states of Amerika are also, one by one, eliminating taxes on precious metals, just as an EU directive at the turn of the century removed VAT from gold. The Basel III directives have re-classified gold as a Tier 1 asset, leading to one wag claiming gold was now "as good as gold" again. That's the lie they peddled when they defaulted on gold, but where those who were wiser saying they preferred their cash "cold and hard".
Here's more absurd propaganda to deny the "worthless paper" USD is in trouble.
Inflation data released on Tuesday suggest more work remains to be done to contain deflationary pressures. In November, consumer prices rose just 0.2% year on year while dropping 0.6% month on month, the biggest decline since March. Producer prices, meanwhile, fell for the 26th month in November, sliding 2.5% year on year.
Imports fell, too, indicating that stimulus efforts to date aren’t gaining the traction policymakers hoped. In November, imports fell 3.9% year-on-year.
- China’s monetary easing shows how much it fears Trump
That's Asia Times Online which is based in Hong Kong, but which jewish Amerikan, David P. Goldman, has admitted he's commandeered as "deputy editor". The deflation in producer prices is only because of the Covid lockdown, which saw prices shoot up. Even Goldman has poured cold-water on the deflation narrative.
Both the Bank of Poodleville and ECB have cut rates even as both regions then reported an up-tick in inflation, which has yet to reach their supposed targets. Now the narrative is that there will be another round of rate cuts. The Great Satan has also reported an increase: Inflation heated back up again in November, but it likely wasn’t bad enough to keep the Federal Reserve from cutting rates next week.
- Inflation heated up last month as consumer prices rose 2.7%, underscoring the slog ahead
The narrative is also peddling the claim that France is struggling such that her bonds briefly saw higher rates than Greece. But both the Great Satan and poodle have FAR higher 10 year bond yields.
Clearly, this is for the benefit of the Great Satan and poodle which can't afford interest payments with higher interest rates and which would see a hyperinflationary run on their unbacked jew-confetti currencies if they alone cut interest rates. It's why Judy Shelton has once again suggested the Great Satan back its bonds with gold.
Jerome Powell's recent claim that buttcoins are a rival for gold rather than the "worthless paper" USD have been ridiculed.
Here's some more asinine BS:
A stronger US dollar, as mentioned above, also increases the price of oil and similar commodities.
- Trump heralds the end of dollar dominance
That's similar to the daft narrative that gold is denominated in "worthless paper" USD, so when the "worthless paper" USD rises against other jew-confetti currencies, gold becomes more expensive. The money-changers also claim, Jesus Christ was born of a virgin.
And here's yet more BS:
Trump’s promised tariffs and tax cuts will be net negative for nearly everywhere and may collapse the dollar as well
. . .
Given the inflationary nature of all these measures, it seems clear that the US Federal Reserve will have to remain vigilant against a new spike or too-sticky inflation.
. . .
In other words, the golden dream of a rapid normalization of US monetary policy – and thus a weaker US dollar – improving global financial conditions seems increasingly unlikely.
- Global economy bracing for Trumpworld
Ray Dalio now suggests that suckers buy gold and buttcoins because they're "hard" currencies. This is for gold-bugs who don't really know what they're doing. Buttcoins are imaginary coins backed by nothing and nobody, whereas gold is a commodity so has inherent value. When they defaulted on gold, they tried to con the suckers by saying the jew-confetti was "as good as gold" but those who weren't fooled said they preferred their cash to be "cold and hard". There's nothing "hard" about an imaginary coin.
Doug Noland even lists buttcoins as a commodity and all the western propaganda rags list daily prices of krapto currencies despite them clearly being a scam. Doug Casey ridicules the euro by claiming that the "worthless paper" USD is an "IOU nothing" but the euro is a "who owes you nothing. But then he advocates for buttcoins despite them clearly being a "nobody owes you anything".
Even Gary Gensler, having been forced to approve ETFs for buttcoins is disparaging of them. An ETF for a krapto currency, when the whole idea is it targets anyone with an internet connection looks like an attempt to increase the range of victims to include those who aren't technology savvy. Similarly Paypal will allow suckers to accept buttcoins on eBay, but crucially, won't allow the suckers to exchange the buttcoins for paper currencies. How's that for a red-flag for fraud?
Meanwhile, war criminal "Genocide Joe" Biden is attacking krapto exchanges by de-banking them.
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