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No China Threat? Then Provoke One



Sept 26, 2024, 16:41

"Japan sails warship in Taiwan Strait for first time: reports", reports the jewish-controlled, state-run BBC.

This follows Germany, another Great Satan vassal doing the same. It's undisguised gangsterism.

UNCLOS, which the Great Satan participated in drawing-up but which it refuses to sign specifies that a strait between an island and the mainland does not allow "innocent passage" when there is an alternative route.

This violation does not harm China but is a clear provocation. It highlights the fact that we live on the same planet as scum. The puerile Anglo/Jew propaganda repeatedly cites the Philippines' "exclusive economic zone". But UNCLOS does not define sovereignty. It's the other way around the sovereignty defines where your EEZ is, which is why the first "E" is "exclusive".

Whilst the Anglos were kicked out of Saxony in 450ad, the Jews were kicked out of Mesopotamia in 2000bc and just about every nation on the planet ever since.

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''But UNCLOS does not define sovereignty. It's the other way around the sovereignty defines where your EEZ is, which is why the first "E" is "exclusive".''

So sovereign nations such as Malaysia, The Philippines, Indonesia and Thailand can define for themselves where their EEZ is located and tell China to go hang with its spurious claims in the South China Sea.