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BRICS+ Unit: Floating, Decentralised and Fractal



Jul 24, 2024, 19:32

I previously posted that it would not be a distributed ledger. But all articles I've read says it will be. So rather than hiding transactions from the Great Satan, the Unit ledger will simply avoid the Great Satan imposing sanctions on banks. The Great Satan can still impose sanctions on companies it doesn't like.

Unlike Keynes' Bancor, the suggestion of a basket of commodities has been dropped, presumably because it would be less stable than just gold. What's left is just a new quasi gold-standard.

The value of the Unit will be floating; subject to supply and demand so is not a stablecoin. At the same time, however, it will somehow be anchored to gold and "measured" in gold. Though "mining" or "minting" a Unit requires depositing the 40% gold and 60% BRICS+ currencies (limited to no more than 30% each) at a Unit node, apparently Units are not redeemable but somehow "freely convertible into gold". Hence, it will be less inflationary than buttcoins on top of gold already being stable due to its high stock2flow ratio. Commodities markets, then will be denominated in gold and thus encourage FX reserves to be gold because it's stable rather than national currencies.

A lien on a nation's gold holdings appears to be the created: 

with the nation's gold reserves remaining within national borders, albeit in a different legal form.
- The UNIT white paper

However, the article claims that gold not leaving one's borders avoids default; a bit like claiming you can't be robbed because you never held title to an asset in the first place.

The exception appears to be a form of redemption: Any UNIT node can exit the UNIT ecosystem with its contents subsequently distributed, if the UNIT tokens previously emitted at the node are returned to the UNIT ecosystem in whole, in exchange for the proportional share of the basket components.

However, the article also claims that national currencies in the Unit basket must be "freely tradable in gold terms for spot delivery", suggesting a degree of redemption in national currencies for gold.

It also claims to avoid the Mundell-Fleming impossible trinity of independent monetary policy, fixed exchange rates and open capital account, because the Unit is floating.

As I understand it, the fractal nature is similar to buttcoins "lightning-network", in that transactions can be grouped. China's e-CNY already has a similar feature allowing them to be traded using NFC across mobile phones and would have been immune to the recent Crowdstrike outage. It's also supposed to maintain the consistency of the value of the Unit across the network.

IMF membership bans national currencies backed by gold. Presumably this does not apply to the Unit. Without this a simple return to a simple gold standard would be more sensible.

Though distributed, it's still a form of credit and only commodity money, in this case gold, has no counter-party risk. An exporter can, for example, refuse to accept payment in Units and demand physical gold, especially as the Unit is only fractionally backed by commodity money. The Unit is rules based so is dependent on participants following the rules; something the Anglo/Jew gangsters are not known for with their "rules based order" routine violations of international law and their own laws in the lands they thieved.

Even worse, the article mentions a need for "rebalancing" should national currencies stray too far from gold, though this rebalancing means newly "mined" or "minted" Units have a lower proportion of a national currency where the exchange rate has fallen against gold.

Like buttcoins, there's even mention of a fee to create each Unit token, though it claims the fee will decline as system liquidity and resilience increases.

"The West" is now calling for "growth", by which they mean inflation. After WW2, the Great Satan was able to reduce its debt/GDP ratio by inflating and exporting the inflation with the Marshall Plan. This also cemented dollar hegemony. But now it's going into reverse as nations dump the "worthless paper" USD from history's worst ever debtor and defaulter. Great Satan debt is over 130% of GDP with this years deficit at about $2.4Trn and interest payments over $1Trn and the FED making losses. Despite Moody's Kafka-esque AAA rating, default is now INEVITABLE. Raising taxes and/or reducing squandering also hits this "growth". Debt increasing faster than GDP means a gradual inflation is useless. A hyperinflation or outright default would be calamity, so only paying off the debt is feasible.

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Despite the Unit suggesting gold should go far higher, gold and even more silver were smashed overnight. Oh dear, gold-bugs have been kicked in the groin yet again.

The reality on the ground is still that the Great Satan has to pay off its debts because all other alternatives are calamitous.