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Who Rules EU?



Jul 23, 2024, 14:12

"EU Moves Key Meeting Out of Hungary to Protest Orban’s Diplomacy", reports Bloomberg BS.

In other words, they're trying to deny Hungary sovereignty and an independent foreign policy. The NATO gang and the EU gang demand conformity and submission to the Great Satan. When the NATO gang starts an illegal war of aggression, it's the Great Satan's generals who are in charge. The NATO secretary general is nothing more than a figurehead. Similarly, the Great Satan forces Occupied Japan to buy rice and ban it from selling it on. Occupied Japan doesn't have control of her own airspace either.

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re: "who rules the EU"

Well, it's a rather difficult question to answer correctly.

 With my world experience, I'd say that the EU is ruled by Brussels. However, it's well comprehended that Brussels is governed by Uncle Sam.

  Unfortunately, that's where the ice is getting rather thin because Uncle Sam is being ruled by a little nation called Israel which in turn is ruled by Jewish leaders...


To summarize; as a summary, it's not just the EU ruled by Uncle Sam.

Oh no, the 5 eyes, Japan, the Philippines eating from the same bowl..

  Purposely, I left Israel out from the club as I'm unable to tell who is ruling each other...