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What is 容 in Chinese



Jun 18, 2024, 16:36

穴 (  xue,  the second tone)  means 'cave‘ or ’hole‘ .  The top of 穴 looks like ‘roof' with the lower component  shapes as ’opening for entrance "..   

In Chinese 谷(gu, the third tone) looks like ‘valley’ which top looks like  the bird view of a mountain with deep opening  in it.   口(kou, the third tone) shapes as  the 'mouth'.  

Both 穴 and 谷 have a large space for you to hold something.  If you put 穴 and 谷 together,we get 容(rong,  the second tone) which basic meaning is ‘to hold or contain’ .   Passing through the gate 穴,you will see a great valley 谷.    What a wonderful landscape!

Of course,容 has multiple meanings:  volume, outlook,looking appearance,tolerance. ....

1 1249

谷 is the mouth of the mountain.