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Onus on US to stop Gaza conflict and grant Palestine full UN membership



May 12, 2024, 16:01

Delegates react to the voting results during the United Nations General Assembly vote on a draft resolution that would recognize the Palestinians as qualified to become a full UN member, in New York City, US May 10, 2024. [Photo/Agencies]

The United Nations General Assembly voted by a wide margin on Friday to grant new "rights and privileges" to Palestine and called on the UN Security Council to reconsider Palestine's request to become the 194th member of the United Nations.

The world body approved the Arab and Palestinian-sponsored resolution by a vote of 143-9 with 25 abstentions. It is Israel's relentless military offensive in Gaza since Oct 7 that has prompted more UN members to join the pro-Palestine group. A UN General Assembly resolution on Oct 27 calling for a humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza was approved 120-14 with 45 abstentions.

Although the US can still veto Palestine's UN membership in the UN Security Council voting on the issue as it did on April 18, the result of the latest UN General Assembly vote reflects a wider support for full membership of Palestine in the UN, which means a greater pressure on Washington to act against the will of the world.

US Deputy Ambassador to the UN Robert Wood said on Friday that for the US to support Palestinian statehood, direct negotiations must guarantee Israel's security and future as a democratic Jewish state and that Palestinians can live in peace in a state of their own.

But by saying that the US side just pretends to be blind to the fact that it is the Israeli side that has been recklessly killing the Palestinian people on their land. And even if the Hamas Oct 7 attack is taken into account, what the Israel has done in the region since the World War II must also be borne in mind as well, which clearly shows the right and wrong regarding the Palestinian question.

The world can see clearly that the statehood of Israel has not only been fully guaranteed but also the country has prospered. In the process, it has continuously expanded its influences to the Palestinian side beyond the 1967 borders, and even invaded neighboring countries, including Syria and Lebanon.

Over the years, Israel, as the occupying power, has technically eroded the foundation of the two-state solution. The current conflict, which has lasted for more than seven months, is more likely to completely ruin the prospects of the two-state solution agreed by the international community.

So it is not the security or future of Israeli people that has become a question of grave concern, but that of the Palestinians, whose survival in Gaza has even become a question today thanks to Israel's aggression indulged and supported by Washington, not to mention the overdue statehood of their country.

That Israel intensified its attack on Rafah on Saturday, under the US' acquiescence, in response to the UN General Assembly the Palestine-related vote the previous day, presents a grave provocation to the common will of the international community, and also serves to put an end to its peace talks with Hamas in Cairo that has lasted for days, in which Hamas had made big concessions for a ceasefire.

Israel should stop its collective punishment of the Gaza people, stop advancing its military offensive in Rafah, and effectively remove all restrictions on the entry of humanitarian supplies into Gaza. In the West Bank, Israel should stop all settlement activities and effectively curb the intensifying settler violence.

Palestine should enjoy the same status as Israel, and the Palestinian people should enjoy the same rights as the Israeli people. It is the common responsibility of the international community, including the US, to support and promote the process of Palestinian independent statehood and provide a strong guarantee for the implementation of the two-state solution and the realization of lasting peace in the Middle East.

As a permanent member of the UN Security Council, the US should put aside its own interests and work for world peace and humanity, undertaking its global responsibility. The UN Security Council is a platform to resolve issues and not create divisions or hijack the global peace agenda for one's own narrow ends by abusing its veto power.

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gork post time: 2024-05-13 03:11

''Sadly, no one ended their performance with a defiant shout of "Free Palestine" or such, but the audience did boo the izraeli act throughout the various stages of the contest.'' You must have been waiting for a different outcome but were sadly disappointed. Voters in Australia, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, San Marino, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK gave their highest points to the Israeli singer Eden Golan.  Golan also got 10 points, the second-highest possible, from Albania, Austria, Cyprus, Czechia, Moldova, Slovenia and Ireland. She finished in overall fifth position in the contest: thus, a broad affirmation rather than a condemnation of her appearance.


''Although the US can still veto Palestine's UN membership in the UN Security Council voting on the issue'' So too can China, thus the onus is not only on US.


The Great Satan has appointed itself as the World's policeman. But instead of the rule of law, it peddles a "rules based order". Now that the entire planet has erupted in protest at it's latest war crimes atrocities, it drops even that feeble pretense and resorts to undisguised gangster thuggery:

The veracity of this information is supported by the news that a group of US Republican senators warned the ICC’s chief prosecutor, Karim Khan, against issuing an international arrest warrant for Netanyahu and other Israeli officials, threatening “tough sanctions.”
- Will the Rafah assault break Netanyahu?

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has asked US President Joe Biden to stop the International Criminal Court (ICC) from pursuing him and several other top-ranking Israeli officials, news publisher Axios has claimed.
- Netanyahu asked Biden to block International Criminal Court – Axios

The most infantile propaganda you've ever heard is also used:

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has responded to the International Criminal Court’s rumored plans to indict Israeli officials for war crimes by claiming that for the ICC to do so would be an “antisemitic hate crime”.

Yes, you read that correctly.
- The 'Antisemitism' Moral Panic Has Officially Jumped the Shark

Markus83 post time: 2024-05-12 21:04

The Great Satan has respect?!?!?! When did this happen?

Several countries in the Eurovision song contest have protested the participation of the illegitimate state of New Izrael. The Netherlands contestant was ousted when a reporter asked Eden Golan if her participation would endanger others. The organisers said she didn't have to answer, to which Joost Klein asked "Why not?". For this they appear to have generated a trumped up accusation that he had an altercation with a female member of the organisers.

Finland's host quit at the last minute in protest.

Norway's host quit at the last minute in protest.

The Netherlands refused to submit vote scores.

Ireland's entry had an altercation with the izraeli press and was banned from displaying gealic text for "Free Palestine" and "ceasefire".

Poodleville's candidate complained of the pressure he was put under to quit.

Sadly, no one ended their performance with a defiant shout of "Free Palestine" or such, but the audience did boo the izraeli act throughout the various stages of the contest. Apparently none of the competitors were comfortable with the illegitimate state of New Izrael participating. In other words, the ENTIRE PLANET is protesting the genocide in Gaza.


USA, the bully is being called out the warmonger, is losing what little respect it has.


It is absurd for Palestine to have such limited rights.

The Anglos foisted european Jews on Palestine with the Balfour Declaration lying that the palestinian rights would not be prejudiced and the Jews lying that Palestine was "a land without people for a people without a land".

In his book The Jewish Paradox (1978), Nahum Goldman, the head of the World Zionist Organization, quotes Ben-Gurion as saying to him: “If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal; we have taken their country. It is true God promised it to us, but how could that interest them?
- Analyzing Israel’s response to Hamas’ October 7 attack

Rabbi Weiss continued, “[Zionists’] goal was to have their material state, and whatever stood in their way didn’t bother them. The Torah says thou shall not steal’ so every concept of Zionism is breaching the Torah. They knew our religion does not call for us to take up arms and take over the land. On the contrary, we are forbidden.”
- Meet the outspoken Rabbi who says Israel is a monster that should be removed from the map

They tried to impose a "two-state solution", which Palestine rightly rejected, so the Anglo/Jew gangsters imposed a one-state solution only recognising the illegitimate state of New Izrael, which was created by the UN despite the UN having no such powers. More recently, the UN has even ruled that as an infestation, the illegitimate state of New Izrael has no right to self-defence.

The zionist Daily Telegraphic Nonsense has just repeated the lie that Palestine is the "historic land of the Jews". They were kicked out of Mesopotamia in 2000bc and their last major illegal infestion of Palestine was in 1274bc.