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Would you stay with your parents or live independently when you start working?


A very hungry caterpillar

May 09, 2024, 15:05

Some opinions here, please share your thoughts in the comments!

- Whichever makes sense to you then. Financially it’s often better to stay with parents awhile but if you are hankering for complete independence and you and your parents can afford it, move out.

- If you want to know the real you then you must shed all protective covers around you and face the world on your own and the biggest cover for you is your family until you leave your home and start living alone you will never understand who you really are. Your perceptions and reality will be colored by the principles of your family and you will never become the individual you are supposed to be. Your purpose in life will never become clear because all your thoughts and ideals are actually borrowed from your family. All humans are unique but to show that uniqueness they must first understand what makes them unique and that knowledge can't be gathered living with your family.

- I think there is something about having your own place, with the dignity and self esteem, that can’t be had living with your parents.

Unless you are planning to stay at your parents for specific goal, perhaps saving up several thousand in the bank before moving out, I would move out as quickly as possible.

Because one thing is for sure… if you stay at home too long, you will lose dignity and honor. People will look at you differently, and you’ll know it.

- To me, there’s nothing wrong with staying with parents. It all depends on the culture and society you live in. In the West (and I’m speaking for the U.S. since that is where I live now), it is expected that you finish your education and then move out and become independent. Have your own place, pay your own bills, etc. People who continue to live with their parents even after finishing their education (for the time being, perhaps excluding graduate school) and getting a “real-life” job are somewhat looked down upon. People assume that they are leeching off of their parents by living with them, or that they are no good.

But in many, if not all Eastern cultures, it’s normal to continue living with your parents, even as a grown adult. One reason is because it’s considered important to care for your elders, so many people stay with their parents to watch after them. Just because they are not living on their own, it doesn’t mean they can’t be independent.

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A very hungry caterpillar

Independence can be achieved even when you live with your family. You can be the key-earner for your family, one who does all the family chores, the cook, or the key decision maker. Believe me, you would then feel much better than reigning as the King of your world. If you live alone, the challenges are less, life is dreary and dull, because you only need to convince one person - You. In a family, you will have to earn the position by gaining other's trust, considering other's opinions. The challenges life bring in, is what makes it an adventurous expedition.

Do you remember the very final stage of Super-Mario game after you have rescued the princess by slaying the dragon? Mario would walk alone in the empty castle, which was once inhabited by a number of creatures whose lone purpose was to torment you. In the emptiness of the castle you will realize how much you are gonna miss those monsters.

Being independent is still a great thing, if you are not as sensitive as me. But please make sure that you won't break anyone's heart while doing it. May be you won't need anyone, but there may be someone who needs you in their life.