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China’s colleges are locked in a heated debate … about curtains


A very hungry caterpillar

Apr 26, 2024, 09:17

What started as a fire safety measure has spiraled into a debate about privacy and social interaction inside China’s crowded college dorms.

To some, they’re a fire hazard and an “invisible wall” that is destroying social interaction on China’s college campuses. To others, they’re a final refuge in an intolerably crowded environment.

This week, students across China have been locked in a heated debate about an unexpected issue: The makeshift curtains that many young people hang around their dorm room bunks.

In China, students generally live in dormitories where four to eight people share a room. So as to give themselves a bit of privacy — and shut out unwanted light — in these often densely packed spaces, many students choose to erect makeshift curtains.

But universities are increasingly banning the practice on safety grounds. Some also argue that the curtains are destroying social life on campus, as students are literally walling themselves off from each other.

Curtain bans have been coming thick and fast in recent weeks. On March 27, Xinjiang Medical University announced that students were now prohibited from hanging curtains, as did a department at Gansu Minzu Normal University. The same month, Hebei Zhangjiakou University launched a special campaign to remove curtains from its dormitories.

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I thought that this ''curtain ban'' story was going to be about not having curtains across the windows. I saw that was the case in some apartments in China where people didn't appear to worry about the cold ( or the blazing sun ) getting in by not having window curtians.

If students have these curtains hanging across their beds in their highly compressed dormitories, it is likely that they are doing so to  gaze at their phone screens or laptops. This tactic will offer them greater privacy but it will reduce their social interactions with their classmates. If this is done in the evenings the artificial light from the screen will certainly impair their ability to sleep.