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China's top 10 internet trending terms unveiled



Dec 13, 2023, 16:41

The "top 10 Chinese Internet trending terms" of 2023 were unveiled Tuesday by the National Language Resources Monitoring and Research Center.

Terms on the list include "@Future," part of the English slogan of the Hangzhou Asian Games; "Special Forces-Style Travel," a hip way among young people in China to make the best out of short holiday breaks; "Intelligent Life," and "Village Super League."

As part of the yearly event "Chinese Language Review 2023," the "top 10 Chinese Internet trending terms" are selected based on the Internet part of the national language resources monitoring corpus, which boasts a corpus scale of over 8 billion characters.

1 3997

''Terms on the list include "@Future," part of the English slogan of the Hangzhou Asian Games'' Interesting to see English words being so popular amongst netizens. I wonder if this extended to rhyming slang for the booming new coffee chain ''Luck In Coffee''?