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Interest Rates Will Remain High



Dec 12, 2023, 13:48

To make the debt affordable, they've been pushing interest rates lower for forty years:

But Great Satan debt is now $33.8trn, having only hit the debt-ceiling of $31.4trn in January, or $2.4trn higher.

Great Satan GDP was $25.6trn at the end of 2022 with quarterly growth cited as 2% 2.1% and 5.2% so is about $26.2trn now or only $800bn higher annualised.

Most of the squandering is non-dicrectionary. Yet revenues are stagnant.

So pivoting to lower interest rates would make the interest payments more affordable, but the debt will continue to massively outpace GDP.

As this is unsustainable it will end.

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Debt over the administration of war criminal Obama increased from $10.6trn on 20Jan09 to $19.9trn on 20Jan17 or $1.1625trn on average.

Yet you're supposed to believe the deficits were much lower:

With debt on an annualised $2.6trn trajectory (or is that tragictery) and GDP only on an annualised $800bn trajectory and non-discretionary squandering at about $5trn and revenues stagnant, the Great Satan is most certainly on the road to hyperinflation. And that's before you even consider the pensions, Medicaid and Medicare unfunded liabilities, now at $260trn.

The only alternatives are an outright default or a "controlled demolition" where they reprice gold far, far higher and pay off some of the debt. Yet gold is going nowhere, except for the short-squeeze seen on Monday (or Sunday in the gangster-run, thieved prison-state of Amerika).

I've now read seven articles claiming Poodleville's debt to revenue is the highest in the developed World at 10.4% rather than the Great Satan at 25%. I've read two articles quoting the $1.027trn annualised debt interest payments of the Great Satan and two more citing over $1trn rather than the $981bn that Yellen claims for Q3'23.


As Sergei Lavrov has said, five centuries of western plundering are ending. 

I'd say the West has no chance of clinging on to this paradigm of parasiting. That means they're about to find out how the oppressed world lives. Whilst the Great Satan hasn't had a trade surplus since 1975, the poodle hasn't had one since 1982 and now they have to pay off a HUMOUNGOUSLY GINORMOUS pile of debt as well even as they need to fund re-industrialisation as well as net zero de-carbonisation. This would be a daunting if not impossible task for a productive people, never mind species of useless genocidal parasite.

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