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US-led world order 'sort of run out of steam'



Oct 22, 2023, 22:24

The current US-led world order has “sort of run out of steam,” but Washington will shape the system that replaces it, US President Joe Biden told supporters on Saturday.
- US will build ‘new world order’ – Biden

China overtook the Great Satan in 1996 as the World's largest economy. The acceptance of China into the WTO in 2001 was a failed attempt to restrict China's growth. India too, is larger, which is why both China and India have more external trade by value than the Great Satan, despite it printing "worthless paper" USD out of thin air. It's also why the anglo/jew propaganda rags repeat ad nauseum the lie that China is "the World's second largest economy" and the Great Satan is "the World's largest economy". Yet, the "p" in GDP is supposed to be productivity but the Great Satan hasn't had a trade surplus since 1975 because it doesn't produce anything except war, propaganda and the jew-confetti. It's also why Ireland has once again reported a HUGE (25%) increase in GDP. This is effected by having a low corporate tax rate to attract multi-nationals. So the actual economic activity isn't even within Irelands borders. Similarly, the iPhone is sold by China at-cost to Apple which then levies a HUGE mark-up and counts this as Great Satan GDP.

As China is by far the World's largest economy, the Great Satan's power is greatly diminished. If it can't even hold onto its power at its zenith, how can it possibly hope to avoid a terminal decline, especially as it is now history's worst ever debtor AND it's borrowings are set to continue higher as war criminal Biden spends like a drunken Sam Bankman-Fried even as interest rates continue higher too and Janet Yellen adopts the same accounting s**tware as Sam Bankman-Fried to disappear $15.1bn in interest payments in Q2'23. She also claims the fiscal deficit for the 22/3 was $1.695Trn. Yet the debt is now $33.6Trn, having hit the debt ceiling of $31.4Trn in Jan23, or $2.2trn more in just three quarters. The stewdent loan debacle has shifted the debt.

The terminal decline of the Great Satan and its ability to thieve is why Saudi Arabia has made peace with Iran and why Africa has kicked France out. France was running a similar scam to the Great Satan, whereby HUMOUNGOUS sums were thieved each and every year. But BRICS+ has de-dollarised, so now they're up poo-creek without a paddle but with GINORMOUS debts. Now Hezbollah has joined the fray in Palestine. They're well and truly Victoria Nulanded! Nokia has just announced huge job losses and Zero Hedge reports: In the first nine months of 2023, commercial Chapter 11 bankruptcies have soared 61% year over year to 4,553, according to Epiq Bankruptcy, which provides U.S. bankruptcy filing data.

61 percent!
- Is A Financial Crisis Already Here? US Banks Are Closing 100s Of Branches And Laying Off 1000s Of Workers

No longer able to parasite off others means they can no longer pay for paper-shuffling non-jobs. Like SVB, the banksters are also laden with hundreds of billions of unrealised losses.

“We are a nation addicted to debt,” said Maya MacGuineas, president of the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget. She added that with the economy growing and unemployment at a historic low, this should have been a time to “instill fiscal responsibility and reduce our deficits. Instead, we now face the prospect of paying more to finance the debt we already incurred, let alone the trillions of dollars we are projected to borrow over the coming decade.”
- US deficit doubles as Biden asks for more Ukraine funding

Is it any wonder that Yellen has to deny that the Great Satan can't afford to fund both the Ukraine war and the Palestine war, both of which the Great Satan started.  

9 505

"The US is the Most Warlike Nation in History of the World." - Jimmy Carter, former US president

Since the end of World War II, 248 armed conflicts occurred in 153 regions in the world, of which 201 were initiated by the USA-led Capitalist Western bloc.. For honest truth, pls read my informative and insightful, multi-page comments by 'Mr. Lianghui' at, "The coming war on China": https://youtu.be/V42KtSeo3uI ... It's on YouTube.


''China overtook the Great Satan in 1996 as the World's largest economy.''

This might have happened in your dreams, but not in the real world.

gork post time: 2023-10-23 22:27

''Luckily I managed to find some items that were in the discounted binnacle''

That is called having your cake and eating it too. You want to  criticise the stores that offer these types of deals, yet at the same time you are very happy to buy from them. Total double standards. By the way, what is a ''binnacle''.

gork post time: 2023-10-23 19:20

Having just spent the voucher, I received a second letter in the post encouraging me to complete the survey and spend the voucher. It said I had to claim the voucher within just a few days. I was late but they still let me have it and now a second letter encouraging me to accept the voucher.

What a complete waste of time, money and effort!!!!!! And all so that the sheeple can punish themselves with higher prices.

Luckily I managed to find some items that were in the discounted binnacle, so I didn't support the RIDICULOUSLY high prices in the store.


And the austeirty headlines just keep on comin'

The zionist Daily Telegraphic Nonsense also admits the western plundering is over: "It’s Cold War II, and the enemies of freedom are lining up to forge a new world order"

"Car Owners Fall Behind on Payments at Highest Rate on Record"

"Labour promises £3bn to support steel industry as 2,000 job cuts loom"

. . . now owned by India's Tata and China's Jingye Group, with the ENTIRE poodle krapmobile industry having been sold off long ago to Tata, BMW and China's SAIC.

"The jobs downturn is here – who will get hurt and how bad will it be?"

"While A Brief Bounce Is Likely Next, Market To Face Decade-Long Headwinds"

"UK homebuilder Vistry to cut hundreds of jobs - Bloomberg News"

"Inflation could be about to get a whole lot worse"

Already, prices in Poodleville have been rocketing higher.

. . . and with the EU and Poodleville struggling with energy supplies as they have to buy Lucifer Natural Gas at three or four times market prices: 

"‘Britain will need gas to avoid blackouts for decades’"

"QatarEnergy, TotalEnergies sign 27-year LNG supply agreement"

"QatarEnergy, Eni sign 27-year LNG supply agreement for Italy"

"Germany maintaining LNG trade with Russia – Bloomberg"

"Global industry needs $7 trillion to avoid gas shortages – report" 

They started both World Wars to impose jew-confetti on the planet and when Saddam Hussein priced oil in euros instead, they illegally invaded. When the lies about WMD fell apart, convicted war criminal, Tony Blair, tried to justify his "high crimes against humanity" by pleading "our way of life" was at stake. But the Great Satan and poodle admit their IQs are collapsing under jewish socialism, which is where they thieve off humans and breed themselves dumber and dumberer. The only sensible route is to impose the meritocracy that the convicted war criminal promised but never dleivered and as soon as they can. However, it's probably already too late; they're probably past peak density already.

They should be shocked and ashamed that they're incapable of running any industry and that it's all been sold off. 

When the English are worse at English than the Chinese, you know you’re in trouble.
- SATs aren't damaging kids — low expectations are

And boy is the poodle in trouble!

They are :

so bankrupt, insolvent and desperate that they're robbing their own sheeple on the highways as I know first-hand,

no longer a World power,

have no industry,

haven't had a trade surplus since 1982,

have to buy over-priced Lucifer Natural Gas,

have to hold over $600bn in Great Satan bonds, and 

their edukashun system only ever gets worse: 

"It sounds to me like 'have any grades you want' – in effect it will be a free for all," a former chief examiner said. "I genuinely think that students are being sold short. They will be given grades that are so devalued that they are being done a disservice."
- Summer exams to be voluntary sparking fears over repeat of last year's chaos.

He used, he said, to award civil service jobs on the basis of UK degrees. Today, the holder of a first-class degree from, and he named a university out of the Russell Group, is simply unemployable.
- We will never fix universities until we admit that too many people go to them

Vince Cable even denied that they were a nation of "spivs" just as war criminal, Obama, a recipient of the Nobbled Peace prize, denied the Great Satan was a "deadbeat" nation.


gork post time: 2023-10-23 15:55

Is it any wonder they're giving free cash: "UK Shoplifting Jumps 25% Over Past Year"


The End of Western Parasiting

I've just received a £5 voucher for doing a survey for Sport England, part of the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities. The survey asked only about five questions, so that's about £1 per question. The retailers are the sort I wouldn't regularly visit, so it's additional spending.

Like the £400 subsidy for energy last year, it's to maintain high prices without a collapse in demand.

The Guardian also reports: "‘We had no money’: desperate UK public increasingly turning to pawnbrokers to make ends meet"


"Australia in ‘the midst of a food security crisis’ as 3.7m households struggle to buy enough to eat"


"US Cities Enter Era of Austerity Without Pandemic Aid, Report Says", reports Bloomberg BS.

The so-called "aid" was merely to boost prices without a collapse in demand. It's similar to how war criminal, Bobby Zoellick at the World Bank sent "worthless paper" USD to Haiti after the Great Satan's illegally dumped rice at two thirds the cost of production put Haiti's farmers out of business. The late, great Hugo Chavez sent grain.

The austerity comes after five centuries of the poodle empire of plundering and another century of parasiting with "jew-confetti". The pothead war criminal announced that Poodleville would have to "live within our means" because it's no longer a World power. In fact, the poodle is the third largest holder of Great Satan bonds because it has to support the Great Satan too. As well as food banks, Poodleville has "warm banks". Whilst the pothead war criminal, cut funding for local councils which in turn cut funding for food banks and levied a "bedroom tax" on welfare claimants who had more bedrooms than they needed (or for thos with medical equipment EVEN IF they needed the extra room), he then awarded his cousin, the poodle queen, the Sovereign Grant to cope with the higher cost of living and blocked onshore windfarms so that the poodle queen would get the revenue from offshore windfarms. Rank hath its prvileges.


"Car Owners Fall Behind on Payments at Highest Rate on Record", reports Bloomberg BS.

If their cars/krudmobiles are repossessed, how will Amerikans queue at food banks and where will they sleep at nights?