Jul 13, 2023, 10:34
As NATO launches its conference in Vilnius, Lithuania, in preparation for increased military operations in the stalemated Ukraine conflict, and is for the first time inviting in countries from the Asia-Pacific region, Japan and South Korea, in what they hope to be an extension of the NATO tentacles to the Pacific region, the much-touted "NATO unity" seems to be more illusion than reality.
Firstly, there is the internal dissension over how to handle the conflict in Ukraine. The United States will provide "cluster bombs" to Ukraine, which have been banned by over 100 countries due to the significant risk they pose to civilian populations, including many of the NATO countries who have already expressed opposition to the U.S. decision to send them to Ukraine.
A main topic of discussion in Vilnius will be the relationship between Ukraine and NATO. Ukraine wants in now, and is supported by some of nations like Poland and the Baltic states. Joe Biden, undoubtedly with the support of many other NATO countries, said no – at least, not yet. Such a decision now would mean that NATO has officially been at war with Russia, and then all bets are off. Even setting a timetable may be difficult, as Ukraine has a long way to go in coming up to par with NATO requirements.
NATO has expanded this year with the addition of Finland, but its Swedish neighbor, which intended to come in at the same time as Finland, was held up by objections from NATO member, Türkiye – and Hungary – which feels that the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), considered by Türkiye as a terrorist group, has freedom to operate in the ultra-liberal climate of Sweden.
Even the unity among the traditional nations of Western Europe is wearing thin. The massive social unrest in France is reflective of the population's opposition to French President Emmanuel Macron's war policy. Similarly in Germany, recent election losses for Olaf Scholz's Social Democrats have been fueled by the major economic difficulties Germany has experienced in its desire to stick with Biden on the Ukraine war policy. The "stalwart" Netherlands is now going through a change of government, which creates uncertainty about its future position with regard to the war in Ukraine. NATO was intent on electing a new secretary general this year, but dissension over the candidates, and a personal appeal from Biden, convinced the sitting Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg to continue in his post.
The addition of Japan and South Korea as "observers" at the summit presages an attempt to expand the NATO alliance to the Asia-Pacific region. Ostensibly, this is because of the increased activities of Democratic People's Republic of Korea's leader, Kim Jong Un. In reality, it is primarily predicated on the U.S. desire to build a semi-military alliance of sorts in the new "Indo-Pacific" construct, which is aimed at countering the growing influence of China in the region.
Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, who has been most fervent in his desire to ally himself with the Biden policy, has been losing popularity among the Japanese people since his fanfare Hiroshima G7 Summit earlier this year, due to his proposed tax hikes that are to finance his increased defense spending.
Similarly with South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol. While his position does not seem to be in danger as a result of his desire for better relations with Japan and the U.S., his complacency with regard to Japan's decision to release nuclear-contaminated water at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station could be a source of trouble if it leads, as people fear, to serious damage to fish and wildlife in the waters around South Korea.
More importantly, the global fallout of the Ukraine crisis is creating serious economic and financial difficulties for both of these countries, whose relationship with China, the main engine of growth in the region, remains of vital importance.
Even the United States is not immune to the fallout of this undeclared war with Russia using Ukraine as a surrogate. Both Donald Trump, still the leading Republican candidate for president, as well as the growing opposition within the Democratic Party, led by presidential challenger Robert F. Kennedy Jr., is in the process of creating a more vocal anti-war movement in the United States. Joe Biden won the presidency largely on his claims to end the war in Afghanistan. However, for the upcoming one, he might lose on the basis of his determination to continue a war with Russia.
The unity claimed by NATO may be a mile-wide, but it is only an inch deep. The slightest turbulence might disrupt it entirely. (Source: CGTN)
Speaking of NATO agenda, remember Napoleon Bonaparte once famously said that, “Let China Sleep, for when she wakes, she will shake the world.”
The plain truth is that every time China rises, China has been suppressed by the European powers/ Western alliance for centuries.., for instance, Opium Wars.
[For honest truths, pls read my informative multi-page comments by 'Mister Lianghui' at, "The Coming War on China": https://youtu.be/V42KtSeo3uI ... It's on YouTube].
“Let China sleep, for when she wakes, she will shake the world.” - Napoleon Bonaparte
Truth is that every time China rises, China has been suppressed by the European powers/ Western alliance for centuries.., for instance, Opium Wars.
[For more truths, pls read my informative insightful multi-page comments by 'Mister Lianghui' at, "The Coming War on China": https://youtu.be/V42KtSeo3uI ... It's on YouTube].
This isn’t just about Biden. Anti-British sentiment is a feature, not a bug of American foreign policy. Its key thrust has always been self-preservation, and then (if possible) checking Britain’s influence for good measure. It can be seen from Suez to Grenada, Irish America’s role in funding anti-British terrorism, Northern Ireland (where Democrats repeat ad infinitum the myth that they are a “guarantor” of the Good Friday agreement), to Nato and Afghanistan.
- Time to end the ‘Special Relationship’ delusion
“You’re either with us or against us,” he continued. “And if you’re trading extensively with China, and you’re friendly with China, you’re undermining the United States in this security competition. You’re feeding the beast, from our perspective. And that is not going to make us happy. And when we are not happy you do not want to underestimate how nasty we can be. Just ask Fidel Castro.”
Nervous laughter from the Australian think tank audience punctuated Mearsheimer’s more incendiary observations.
- Caitlin Johnstone: Australia continues its plunge into authoritarianism and military brinkmanship
The Great Satan treats all its satraps with contempt. China has repeatedly told these knuckle-scraping rutting apes that they should aim for "mutual respect" and "win-win co-operation". But it's like the goon & thug who asked Mary Shapiro who she was working for and when she replied, "the amerikan sheeple", the goon & thug had to ask her again as it didn't translate into gangster-speak. Everyone knows that China treats other nations with respect as long as they reciprocate: Rolling out the red carpet for leaders is part of a tradition that dates back to China’s dynastic era. In this practice, which has been called “Qiying’s diplomacy”, Chinese emperors went out of their way to engage in elegant displays of hospitality – even personally serving their guests.
- Why China gives Africa’s leaders the red-carpet treatment – and a chance to ask for favours
But everyone knows the Great Satan takes what it wants whilst speaking with a forked-tongue and is always careful to not give enough to a satrap such that they can escape the Great Satan's oppression.
Several years ago, the Great Satan sent medical aid to China. But it was equipment that had been used so had to be discarded. In other words, these puerile skank sent their waste to China. Why WOULDN'T you exterminate them all?
China's economy is now by far the World's largest economy. The Great Satan has already lost Saudi Arabia and is losing Asia:
A good start was made in a speech by Australian Foreign Minister, Penny Wong, in April 2023. While Wong thinks that the United States will remain “indispensable,” she understands that it will no longer be the dominant power in Asia.
- Has Australia outgrown its subservience to the US?
The rest of the above article is BS emphasising disputes with China despite it being the demands of the Great Satan which are unreasonable. This obvious bias has been a consistent feature of Asia Times Online which is based in Hong Kong but where jewish Amerikan David P. Goldman admits he's commandeered it as "deputy editor".
The Great Satan risks losing Europe too where sanctions on russian energy has collapsed european industry. The lame-assed excuse blaming Russia is absurd. Everyone knows it was the Great Satan's 9 year long conflict fomented by Victoria "F**k the EU" Nuland and the EU is being bled dry supplying arms to Ukraine.
The jewish-controlled, state-run BBC pulled a similar stunt years ago, when it posted the same gold price for months on end.
With one of their reporters admitting she cried when she saw Yasser Arafat being air-lifted to hospital after the illegitimate state of New Izrael had poisoned him, she was then admonished.
Now with another reporter accusing the illegitimate state of New Izrael of being "happy" to kill children, the zionist Daily Telegraphic Nonsense has accused the jewish-controlled, state-run BBC of being anti-semitic. When Bernie Madoff was arrested, the zionist DTN claimed that all jewish were fine upstanding citizens.
Nope! goldprice.org has sprung back to life.
The Great Satan has already lost Saudi Arabia, which some refer to as the "lynchpin" in Great Satan parasiting off the World with jew-confetti.
That means they're screwed. Already the Bank of Poodleville has performed stress-tests for a scenario which looks like a hyperinflationary Greater Depression. Signs of poverty are everywhere. First time house-buyer interest has almost halved in Poodleville. This can only be called an implosion. HUGE increases in the cost of living are evident everywhere. Poodleville's robber-barons are now raiding pensions with the promise it will lift incomes by a suspiciously round £1,000 per year. But even the zionist Daily Telegraphic Nonsense has an article reporting how the goons & thugs are admitting it will likely do the exact opposite with a loss of £1,300 a year.
NATO was supposed to "keep Russia out, the Great Satan in and Germany down". In other words, it corrals the EU satraps into working for the benefit of the Great Satan. Already there are divisions as the EU economy is hit hard by the sanctions on russian energy. It's not as though four nations invested in the Nordstream2 pipeline just to give the Great Satan a target to blow up. This is the SHTF moment for Anglo/Jew global oppression.
The signs of the Great Satan's terminal decline are everywhere.
The latest is Janet Yellen bowing three times to her host, which resulted in a backlash because the Great Satan knows it no longer rules the World.
The BRICS summit on the 22Aug23 will discuss a BRICS currency. As commodities are the only asset class where you can take physical delivery, it's the only asset that can serve as money as opposed to credit. As gold has a high stock2flow ratio of 1.7%, it's the only asset that has the stability of valuation, largely immune to disruptions in supply or demand, to serve as a unit of account or denominator for other assets.
goldprice.org has been offering what can only be described as an "intermittent" service for about a year now. Today it's gone completely offline. But there are plenty of alternatives including those that offer live prices.
NATO expansion to Asia is just posturing. The empire of the Great Satan is over and this would be over-reach, which the Great Satan can't handle. Already, it's annoying its satraps such as France which has to pay three times the price for Lucifer Natural Gas that Great Satan industry pays and has lost the submarine deal to AUKUS.
Asian nations know that they're being targetted to become satraps enslaved by the Great Satan. That's why we have the "non-aligned movement".
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