Jul 01, 2023, 12:56
The very foundation of France Youngsters being used by a foreign force.
In France; You can take the practical driving test for cars at 17 and a half, but may not drive alone on the roads until you are 18. Note that you must be resident in France in order to pass a driving test, whether it is for cars or motorbikes...
Unlike France, Poodleville never got rid of its robber-barons. The "aristos" were all de-capitated along with all their heirs to ensure no one would stake a claim. Having got rid of the poodle king in a civil war, there remained a claimant and now Poodleville's robber-barons are well entrenched.
The house builders in Poodleville are now calling for removal of an EU law protecting rivers from pollution. And the main purpose of BREXIT was to enact the "Edinburgh reforms", which is a wild-west, anything goes, cesspit of total lawlessness in Poodleville's bankster district, which already had "infinite re-hypothecation", which is the BS term for collateral fraud.
The crooks, Larry Summers, tax-dodging Timmy Geithner and Alan Greenspan, blocked Brooksley Borne's suggestion to regulate derivatives and when everything blew up, they called these very same crooks the "Committee to save the World".
This is the constant struggle for the sheeple in gangster-run, Anglo-thieved prison-states over-run by Anglo/Jew mobsters. It's why Ivana Trump said paying taxes is for suckers and why China's tax rate is equivalent to Poodleville's local taxes and Russia has a flat 13% tax rate which Gerard Depardieu took advantage of.
To enrich folks knowledge regarding such seemingly mindless behaviours,
I might add; according to a recent UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs report, Ethiopia has one of the biggest electricity access deficits. The report highlighted that the top 20 access-deficit countries account for 81 percent of the global population without access to clean technology and fuels.
Again, I hope this helps...
I wasn't aware that Edelbrock managed a foothold in the Middle 👑 Kingdom.
General opinion is that only Americans are obsessed to enrich their oil and gas companies.
However, since uncle Sam organised the Ukrainian war, they also targeting the EU and UK particularly..
I hope this helps ol'Chap...
Here's the privatisation of profits: When Margaret Thatcher privatised Britain’s water industry in the late 1980s, the then prime minister wrote off its £5bn of debt.
The decision cleared the way for water companies to embark on a new era, unshackled, with a further £1.5bn government subsidy to help them on their way.
Three decades later and Britain’s water companies have amassed a whopping £60bn of debt built up during years of lower interest rates. With credit conditions tightening as rates continuing to rise, the whole water industry is now struggling under a financial millstone.
. . .
A large proportion of that debt was acquired when the company was owned by Macquarie, an Australian investment bank, between 2006 and 2016.
- Why the crisis at Thames Water may be just the beginning
. . . and here's the socialising of losses: "UK Considers Temporary Nationalization of Thames Water"
This is why in Poodleville they say "only fools and horses work" and why Stephanie Flanders brain-storming session to see how Poodleville could increase productivity is a joke. Just look at how the royals are cashing it in with their cousin, the pothead war criminal giving them the sovereign grant and the blocking of onshore wind-farms so that they get all the revenue from the offshore wind-farms!
Poverty Under a Poodle Serfdom
One in seven people in the UK faced hunger last year due to a lack of money, research by food bank charity the Trussell Trust revealed on Wednesday.
The survey said this equated to an estimated 11.3 million people, which is more than double Scotland’s population. Ethnic minorities, disabled people and carers were among those most affected, with researchers linking food insecurity to the cost-of-living crisis in the UK that is showing little sign of abating.
The Trussell Trust runs more than 1,200 food banks across its network, which is around two-thirds of the UK total. The charity said it provided a record 3 million food parcels in the year to March, a 37% surge and more than double the amount delivered five years ago. It added that the latest findings were “just the tip of the iceberg.”
- Millions in UK facing hunger – survey
The pothead war criminal, cousin to the poodle royal family, cut funding to local councils which meant they, in turn, cut funding to food banks. This was the pothead war criminal's "Great Society". Just as some amerikans living in tent-cities have jobs, nurses in Poodleville have been using food banks too.
By contrast, he awarded the poodle queen the Sovereign Grant, which cost the taxsucker £100m in 2021 and £83m in 2022: The answer in the case of Sandringham and Balmoral is clear. Early in Victoria’s reign, her husband, Prince Albert, went cap in hand to the government, arguing that the money provided to the Queen was insufficient for her to discharge her duties. The government coughed up, as governments nearly always do, in the face of royal pleading. However, the extra money was used by Victoria and Albert not to discharge their duties, but to buy Sandringham and Balmoral.
. . .
As far back as the 1980s, the royal family lobbied to reconnect their funding to the crown estate profits. But the family finally got their way under David Cameron and George Osborne. Under this arrangement, the civil list was replaced by the sovereign grant, linked to the profits of the crown estate. The result is that a civil list payment of £7.9m in 2011 has become one of £86.3m last year, helped by a massive windfall from a windfarm development on the crown estate seabed.
- Now we know how fabulously wealthy Charles is, why can’t he pay for his own coronation?
In fact, king Charlie openly displayed jewels thieved from around the World during his coronation, all acquired by theft and the taxsucker also paid for his mother's funeral.
The pothead war criminal also blocked onshore wind-farms in favour of offshore farms: The UK’s transition to a low-carbon economy has pushed more money toward its surrounding seabeds, with much of it owned by the Crown Estate and where the country already has the second-largest wind power capacity behind China. The UK aims to more than triple its offshore wind fleet by 2050.
- UK Wind Farms Drive Record £443 Million Profit for Crown Estate
King Charlie claims that having to take his maths test three times to pass it was indication that he was given no favours. But this dimwit then went on to study at Cambridge. Clearly, he's taking the piss. His son's art teecher was sacked for refusing to pass-off her work as his. One can only guess what princess Diana thought of this, herself being a former teecher. The propaganda portrayed Diana as an air-head behaving in a reckless manner. But the more you learn the more you realise she was actually rebelling against what is clearly an evil family. Unlike her son, she made genuine attempts to help the poor, rather than just posing before the cameras. The pothead war criminal was also exposed setting up a photo-op of him laying a wreath for the war dead.
The West has plundered the rest of the World for centuries. The end of dollar hegemony is bringing this to an end.
Now these pampered, privileged whites are learning just how much they parasite off humanity.
They send their waste to Africa and Asia.
They test their nukes in Asia.
They plunder other nations natural resources.
They extort cash with the loan-sharking World Bank and IMF.
They cheat humans with jew-confetti.
They even thieve yoonivesity places off humans too. They've cheated me throughout my crock o' s**t edukashun and so-called career, often heaping their legions of useless morons onto my back to try and slow me down. The "first time the mail-boat was a day late", the Rosbifs who can't even cook LITERALLY started eating one another. Yet they want to rule the World. Just look at king Charlie who's family hasn't done an honest day's work in their entire history, but claiming a whopping 6.6bn acres of the entire planet's 36.8bn acres of land and dressing up in fancy-dress for his coronation to appear as a "highness" rather than a useless krappiness.
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