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Is France going to attend BRICS?



Jun 14, 2023, 10:32

French President Emmanuel Macron. [Photo/Agencies]

French President Emmanuel Macron has asked South African President Cyril Ramaphosa for an invitation to the upcoming BRICS summit in Pretoria, French newspaper L’Opinion reported on Monday.

Macron raised the possibility of attending the summit during a phone call with Ramaphosa earlier this month, L’Opinion stated, citing sources in the Elysee palace.

According to one “well-informed” source, Ramaphosa was non-committal. “Presence at this summit was mentioned during the conversation between the two leaders, but Pretoria gave no indication of whether or not to extend this meeting to other international leaders,” the source said.

If Macron were to attend the summit, he would be the first leader of a G7 nation to do so. BRICS leaders and Macron apparently share a desire to overhaul the global financial and geopolitical order, with Macron hosting a conference in Paris next week aimed at overhauling the financial system to better benefit the developing world. Ramaphosa is due to attend the conference, and a cordial meeting between him and Macron could set the stage for the French president to make history in Pretoria.

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This is the Great Satan's "Suez moment". It can no longer influence the World without China's say so. In fact, it can't even avoid quackonomic collapse without China's support.

With the debt ceiling having only just been suspended, Great Satan debt has already crested $32trn. 30% of Great Satan debt also has to be rolled over, about $9.4trn. But China is dumping the dollar and de-dollarization continues across the entire planet. The Great Satan can no longer inflate it's way out of debt at a time when there's talk of a credit-crunch, meaning it's GDP will collapse in a hyperinflationary Greater Depression. 

"Bill Gates, Blinken, Jamie Dimon; visiting China as Beggars"

gork post time: 2023-06-17 15:44

''The latest to visit China...is Billy Gates.'' Wouldn't Gates be the supreme 'capitalist roader'?


The latest to visit China, which is by far the World's most important and HUGEST economy on the planet, is Billy Gates.

But to pretend that the decoupling is their choice the gangster-run, thieved prison-state of Kanada has got Bob Pickard to resign from the AIIB with absurd play-acting claims that the atmosphere was toxic, over-run by the CPC and that he only announced his resignation once he was in Japan because he feared being arrested. PUERILE!

Only the Great Satan gives an Indian diplomat a cavity search, opens China's diplomatic bags and murders general Souleimani when he was travelling on a diplomatic mission which the Great Satan, itself, requested.

This is similar to how the pothead war criminal took his doggie begging bowl to China, but having promised not to meet with the Ocean Guru, he got his underlings to continue to meet with him instead.

gork post time: 2023-06-15 19:06

'' Why I’m not teaching my kids Mandarin...I'm much more inclined to believe Jim Rogers who ...moved to Singapore where he hired someone to teach his kids mandarin.''  Consistent arguments also need to be taught.


Carefully Edited Version of History Seeks to Deny End of Western Hegemony But Only Confirms It

But then something happened that very few of the ‘experts’ anticipated: Japan had an epic financial and economic meltdown.

It turned out that much of Japan’s meteoric rise during the 1980s had been the result of a massive and unsustainable financial bubble. The country’s central bank had been shoveling cash into the Japanese economy, and the national government was heavily subsidizing its corporations.
- Why I’m not teaching my kids Mandarin

This is the past is prologue argument despite the laws requiring statements such as "past performance is not a guarantee of future returns".

But it's also a memory hole for the Plaza and Louvre accords, which raised the yen (and deutschmark) exchange rate from 240 to under 100 and is today at about 130. Similarly, the Anglo/Jew propaganda has memory-holed the Treaty of Paris which clearly shows the Nansha Islands belong to China and are not called the Spratlys, which doesn't even begin to make sense.

I'm much more inclined to believe Jim Rogers who wears a bow-tie to indicate that he's a gentleman and has put his money and the future of his kids where his mouth is and moved to Singapore where he hired someone to teach his kids mandarin.

Today, Japan is still one of the World's greatest creditors. Are we to believe that Japan is incapable of buying up real-estate thieved from the native American? Are we to believe that japanese industry is in a state of collapse?

The above clown then offers a list of irrelevant arguments which are all also carefully edited too plus the usual zero substantiating evidence as well as absurd claims which could only be described as pathetic crocks o' s**t. The propagandist clearly has little understanding of economics. The word, "desperate" comes to mind. He doth protest too much!


And because China is now by far the World's largest economy, the plundering West that owes the World more in reparations than they can ever possibly pay, demands that China offer debt-relief: "Developing countries have hit the financial rocks".

Yet, just a few months ago at the mention of climate reparations, cokehead war criminal, BoJo the Clown, refused to support this, claiming that Poodleville was broke.

As one interviewee on John Pilger's documentary on how the poodle-state thieved the Chagos archipelago did, one can only express INCREDULITY at how krappy the Anglo/Jew gangsters are and the bare-faced lies. On pointing out that one of Poodleville's infantile old-farts referred to the islanders as "Tarzans", his collegue could only offer the asinine claim that, "He's not like that", when, very obviously, he was! 

As ever, it doesn't matter how rich they are and how poor you are, the Anglo/Jew gangsters always need your money much more than you do. They thieve from you and then they keep on thieving from you. When they're not thieving from you, they're trying to foist their legions of useless morons onto your back. They've cheated me out of an education, even as they've constantly tried to hold me back throughout my so-called education and so-called career.

Shashi Tharoor points out that India's economy was 24% of the World's in 1700. But after the Anglos left two centuries later it was only 4%. Unelected war criminal, poodle-minister, Sunak, should offer reparations as well as the Koh-i-noor. The Great Satan should compensate India for the Bhopal disaster.

Instead, as Dr. Gregory Clarke said, they wrote in the margins of his report that they wanted to see China and India "at each other's throats" and are now trying to use India, amongst others, as a counter to China.

The Trevelyans have apologised for their ancestors and offered financial donations. But King Charlie has not taken up their invitation to be a gracious king.


It seems the era of western plundering and exploitation is over. By sensible measures, China's economy is already equal in size to the rest of the planet combined. 

"Chinese electric cars to capture 15 per cent of European market by 2025 in leap forward for exports: KPMG economist"

That's HUGE! Mercedes-Benz invented the motor car. It also spells HUGE trouble for the poodle krapmobile market with the buyer of Bris**tvolt saying they will make batteries for energy storage rather than Poodleville's krapmobiles. Already, Geely owns Lotus and is manufacturing for Tata as well as supporting the only krapmobile manufacturer back in poodle paws, Aston Martin.

We have confirmation that the Great Satan is as Paul Craig-Roberts says "on the precipice of economic and societal collapse" from the juvenile, jingoistic claptrap from the zionist Daily Telegraphic Nonsense, which never knowingly publishes anything which isn't palpably absurd: China is already the world’s second largest exporter of cars, shipping a million vehicles to the rest of the world during the first quarter of this year, a 70pc year-on-year increase. For mid-market manufacturers such as Renault or Ford, that is a hugely threatening challenge.
- China is riding the next wave of industrialisation – the West must wake up or sink

But a month earlier you could read a SOMEWHAT CONTRADICTORY: 

"China overtakes Japan to become world's biggest car exporter in Q1 2023"



This follows Macron's comments on the plane as he left China, though so far we only have rhetoric from him. But even if Macron only wants to attend as a spy, it still is an indication of the Great Satan's loss of influence.


🧐 a worthy copycat he would make of 

Madeleine Damerment...