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Five Eyes Alliance countries lie through their teeth



Oct 03, 2022, 16:28

Cartoon by Ma Hongliang

For many years, the Five Eyes Alliance countries have been interfering in the internal affairs of other countries and doing everything they can to maintain their hegemony. They have concocted lies, led the public astray, spread fake news regardless of the facts and smeared others. They are the veritable alliance of rumormongers.

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They've always been scurrilous lying, gangster scumbags:

He oversaw a top-secret unit of the Information Research Department (IRD), the covert cold war propaganda arm of the Foreign Office. The IRD’s Special Editorial Unit (SEU) was responsible for the department’s most sensitive operations, running propaganda missions around the world against communists and others deemed to threaten British interests. The unit worked closely with MI6.

Recent investigations by the Observer have revealed how the IRD incited mass murder in Indonesia in the 1960s and ran a secret campaign to smear Oginga Odinga, the leftwing vice-president of Kenya.
- Revealed: the secret British plan to keep Italy’s communists from power


Strange! Five Eyes exists long ago, only to be disclosed recently and the world seems to be surprised all of a sudden as if it fell from nowhere.

If China happened to be in them; then world stampede will occur merilessly!

For the present members, no Western country denounce it but accepts it as good and necessary to maintain political stability and harmony for economic growth and development.


Five Eye spied on others but spying is considered acceptable and necessary to maintain political balance to achieve stable economic growth for the world to enjoy.

Strange though it may be, the world swallow this bitter pill gloriously with praising pride for Five Eyes.


Rudyard Kipling's "white man's burden" can't compete. They're bound to lie, cheat and steal.

Just look at the Nobbled Prizes! The jewish-controlled, Krappy News Network reports, "5 women who should have won a Nobel Prize".

It then cites five westerners who are ALL white.

And like the Jim Crow era, they continue to hold back "people of color", with war criminal, Biden, re-affirming the bigotry: "Judge Rules Harvard Can Keep Discriminating Against Asians Using 'Race-Conscious Admissions'"

Never mind that their own movie, Hidden Figures, points out how african Amerikan women did the mathematics as "computers" for NASA. Never mind that the Nobel prize committee repeatedly refused to award a Nobel prize to moron, Albert Einstein, until it was replaced with a Nobbled prize committee. And never mind that NASA admits they couldn't use Einstein's mathematics because if they did their spacecraft would be hundreds of thousands of miles off course.