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NATO should pivot away from China-bashing mania



Apr 10, 2022, 15:42


(Xinhua) -- NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg is finding fault with China again, nonsensically bashing it for not condemning Russia's military action in Ukraine and hyping up Beijing's threat to NATO's security.

The U.S.-led military alliance has not yet sobered up to the reality that it primarily caused the Ukraine crisis and deterioration of European security. Instead, NATO has chosen to shift the blame and play victim.

Ironically, while accusing China of "coercive diplomacy," the bloc has been busy coercing other countries to take sides. And the claim that China is spreading disinformation during the Ukraine crisis is disinformation itself.

As typical smokescreens of the West's astute political footwork to smear China, labels such as "China threat" and "coercive diplomacy" are simply nonsense.

Over the years, the U.S.-led military alliance has been a troublemaker in peacemaker's clothing, repeatedly meddling in regional and international affairs under the cloak of "human rights, democracy and peace."

Its military operations, launched directly or indirectly under the guise of "humanitarian intervention" and "anti-terrorism," have wreaked appalling havoc on Syria, Afghanistan, Libya and the former Yugoslavia, among other regions. The fallout from the operations -- innumerable civilian casualties, property loss and crisis-ridden governments -- amounted to actual humanitarian disasters.

As a relic of the Cold War, NATO, which should have disbanded long ago, has instead wantonly expanded eastward by leaps and bounds, disregarding Russia's legitimate security concerns and driving it to the corner of confrontation.

Following the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine military conflict, NATO countries hurriedly joined Washington to obstruct a political settlement, fan the flames and magnify regional conflict, provide Ukraine with money and weapons, and pummel Russia with sweeping and indiscriminate sanctions.

NATO now reaps what it sows. An escalated conflict is corroding Europe's security and economy and widening divisions worldwide. In the end, it is the ordinary people who bear the brunt.

What the bloc has long sought is to retain hegemony and seek absolute security with no regard for the interests of others.

To this end, self-serving politicians within the alliance have been rehashing the "China-threat" hyperbole as a handy political tool to manufacture fear, issue sanctions and whip up ideological confrontation in pursuit of their own geopolitical agendas.

Such attempts to carry forward the Cold War "legacy" of bloc confrontation and zero-sum games and portray China as the next "archenemy" have imperiled world peace and security and are deeply anachronistic in today's multi-polar world, where multilateralism and globalization are the norm.

Since the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine military conflict, China, with an objective and just attitude, has been working actively toward realizing a cessation of hostilities as soon as possible, averting a humanitarian crisis and restoring peace and stability.

Beijing takes no interest in drawing ideological lines or engaging in bloc politics to create confrontation and division. It adheres to an independent foreign policy of peace and reaches its own conclusions on an issue's merits.

The world does not need a new Cold War. NATO should discard its Cold-War mentality and work with Russia, Ukraine and other countries to build a balanced, effective and sustainable European security architecture through dialogue and negotiation. 

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What would Stoltenberg say to the US' Victoria Nuland dismissing the EU while strategizing to influence the Ukraine opposition and selecting candidates to win in her seemingly soft voice outside but with an iron coldwar hawk heart inside?

She's in the same US cell of hegemonists as Robert Kaplan, Elbridge Colby, Derek Chollet, Aaron Friedberg, Kurt Campbell, Hal Brands, Elizabeth Economy and John Mearsheimer. Many others like them continue to wage their campaign of vilification against any government they want to overthrow.



That Stoltenberg only stressed the matter of territorial integrity of Ukraine but omitted the matter of security integrity of Russia shows he as Nato chief is still trying to hide what was the original cause of the present crisis in Ukraine, namely Nato's expansion by membership eastwards to Russia's border thereby threatening the national security of Russia which had already experienced this before when the US installed nukes in Nato member Turkey pointing at Moscow.

That he now blames China for not siding with him when the crisis has nothing to do with China shows he is just playing to the US gallery of anti-Russian cold war hawks who also harbor the ambition to extend Nato presence into the Indo-Pacific, now sans India, in order to open a second front against China, especially along her vital energy trade sea-routes from the Middle East.

In parallel, he has broached a new Nato agenda to beef up the militarization of those countries bordering Russia. This means the west's new cold war will lead to a hot wall of military installations aimed at and closer to Moscow. It also means what had started as a conflict between two neighboring states will soon expand into military tensions across the whole of Eastern Europe.

Given how the Soviet Union was whittled away by US insurrection and UK intelligence, EU countries should therefore be clearer how things can blow up, catalyzed by military tensions militating against economic growth and thus social stability which in turn will invite draconian measures leading to more conflicts.

It seems Western Europe has not learned from its own history; its alliances started WWI, then imposed an inequitable versailles treaty that fueled WWII. Mercifully WWIV won't happen because WWIII will send half the planet back to the Stone Age.

Neutrality will thus save the other half of the planet, those comprised of emerging nations which are already suffering enough from the unilateral sanctions by the US and EU imposed on Russia's exports to them of essentials needed to revive their increasingly debilitated economies.


Newtown post time: 2022-04-11 08:50

You did hit the nail right on its head.

NATO by design hasn't the mandates to lecture any country. NATO may suggest actions within its organisation, but may not lecture countries with a different opinion.

Only the UN mandates where to sign off on Regime changes.

Undoubtedly I'm aware that such a downgrade would be equal to death, dying of boredom is a very serious matter.  As far as I'm concerned, the shot in the arm would be to remove the Suffering from the EU theatre.

        Virus eliminated by the stroke of a pen.


The US is using NATO to destabilize Europe in order to save its dying Empire. That's why the US blocked the NordStream 2 pipeline which would have supplied the EU with Russian natural gas, payable in Euros. After Russia launched its 'special military operation' in Ukraine, the US is now forcing the EU to abandon the NordStream 2 pipeline by sanctioning Russian natural gas so it can supply its own LNG to Europe at higher prices, payable in USD. In addition, the US military-industrial complex wants to profit off the Ukraine crisis by selling overpriced US-made weapons to Europe.


US wants to be A NATION SECOND TO NONE in all aspects!

NATO is one of its instruments. Upon completing its purpose, it will be put to rest. EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen voluntarily helps US to dismember Russia, while many around the world are put in efforts to catalyze it. Little do they know the real menace is US. 


So NATO must not tell China what to do but the reverse is ok.