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Auspicious 20220222: Chinese rush to get married on Feb 22 of 2022


A very hungry caterpillar

Feb 23, 2022, 09:13

Chinese lovebirds flood to register marriages on Tuesday, February 22, 2022, which translates into a very unique number "20220222" that many felt is unique and commemorative. Also in Chinese, the number "2" sounds like "love."

Tuesday has become the most popular marriage registration day over a year, surpassing the Saint Valentine's Day, which has always been a popular date for couples to register marriages in China as they look for an auspicious day for love and good luck.

"I heard that the day is one 'of the most love,' so I hope our lives in the future would also have so much love," a woman who registered her marriage with her boyfriend on Tuesday in Beijing told the media, when asked why she decided to register on this day.

To match up with the "lovable" atmosphere, some Chinese cinemas also arranged love films at 22:22 pm. 

Many Chinese in Zhengzhou, Central China's Henan Province, are reported to have come to the local marriage registration center to line up a day earlier. Some even hired other people to stand in line for them. 

A man hired by a couple said he came on Monday at 5 pm and only to see that there were already many people there. 

A livestream by a local media in Zhengzhou of the local registration department on Tuesday morning was watched by thousands of curious netizens who left their best wishes to the new couples. 

Marriage registration authorities across the country were busy on that day. A total of 4,718 couples reserved for marriage registration on that day, according to media reports. 

Beijing authority also said that they would prolong service time and would not get off work until finishing registration for these couples. 

Marriage reservation in Chengdu in Southwest China's Sichuan Province has also been fully booked. In response, local marriage registration centers prolonged their service time on that day so that people can come directly to the site to register even if they do not have reservation. 

Marriage registration authorities in other cities like Zhengzhou, Henan and Hefei, East China's Anhui Province, also provided the service. 

"We encourage couples to make a reservation before coming to the registration department due to the COVID-19 pandemic. But the reservation is limited online, so as long there is demand, we will work at full steam even if they do not have reservation," a woman working at the marriage registration department in Jinshui District told media. 

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