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Yet More Poodle Censorship of Poodle Atrocities



Jul 19, 2021, 17:29

It's not just Julian Assange who has been censored for exposing solid evidence of war crimes and confirming that Seth Rich was the leaker of the DNC blocking Bernie Sanders nomination and not a russian hack.

Gabriella Hirst’s An English Garden consisted of benches and a row of flowerbeds planted with Atom Bomb roses, a rare variety of rose created at the height of the cold war arms race in 1953, alongside Cliffs of Dover irises.

A plaque on the bench explained this and highlighted the assembly, at a site nearby, of Britain’s first atomic bomb and the devastation caused by its detonation on unceded Indigenous land in Australia. 
- ‘Not in this town’: artwork about Britain’s ‘nuclear colonialism’ removed

The gangster-run, Anglo-thieved prison-states also continue to send their waste plastic to Asia for recycling too. Only scum would not clean up after themselves.

3 169

An endless and contiguous list of Anglo atrocities 

. . . and the usual juvenile cynicism: 

“I tried to clear the principle of this with you this afternoon by telephone, but you were not around at the time. In order to meet the organisers’ deadline, therefore, and to avoid the impression of a snub, I approved the attached text off my own bat and gave it to our embassy in Dublin,” wrote Holmes.

“The key sentence in your message is the acknowledgment that the British government at the time could have done more to prevent the tragedy. This is no more than a statement of fact, and falls well short of an apology, but the British government have been reluctant to say much about this in the past,” added Holmes, who said he had checked with “all and sundry” including press secretary Alastair Campbell that it was right to make such a reference.
. . .
The British government had refused to send large-scale food aid after the first year of the famine because it would cost too much and hurt agricultural prices.
- Tony Blair’s apology for Irish famine written by aides, papers reveal

The standard operating procedure is to refuse, with high-handed arrogance, to issue an apology, as the pothead war criminal did when he took his doggie begging bowl to the Caribbean and they demanded an apology for 350 years of slavery. The moron then claimed Poodleville "pioneered" the abolishment of slavery, which can only be described as taking the piss.

gork post time: 2021-07-19 22:48

"no doubt with the wish that "people of color" defend it" - so are you going to defend your own race or not?


In order to shout-down Project 1619, they've invented "Critical Race Theory". The white-supremacists, bent on maintaining their white (and often male) privilege, have denounced CRT, no doubt with the wish that "people of color" defend it.

The perverse claim is: What is Critical Race Theory?

The Encyclopaedia Britannica Explains CRT

Critical race theory (CRT), intellectual movement and loosely organized framework of legal analysis based on the premise that race is not a natural, biologically grounded feature of physically distinct subgroups of human beings but a socially constructed (culturally invented) category that is used to oppress and exploit people of colour.
- "Sick Of Westie Whites" Blatant Anti-White, Anti-Asian Racism In Schools


We "people of color" are denying there's such a thing as "race"?!?!

More likely, these bigots are denying that they're intellectually inferior as highlighted in the PISA tests.