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Motorised Scooters, A Fire Hazard!



May 13, 2021, 10:39

The hot topic recently is the news of a motorised scooter catching fire in a lift packed with passengers! The video clip clearly shows a man pushing his scooter into the lift and within seconds it caught fire; there was no way for those inside to escape because the lift door had already closed, could only open at next level.  All those inside suffered severe burns, including an old grarnny with her 5 months old baby who had to be hospitalised!

City and local governments are reactive, not proactive, in tackling this irresponsible behavior of pushing motorised scooters into lifts and endangering the lives of lift passengers. They are now trying to enforce rules forbidding that.  The hazard has been around for a long time with no action taken. 

The law also forbids scooters being pushed into lobbies of apartment buildings but many flout the rule and charge their scooters with power lines dropped from their homes above, often resulting in huge fires!

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pnp post time: 2021-05-19 10:19

Keep pounding away then, please don't tire yourself out.

Newtown post time: 2021-05-19 05:45

Those exclamation marks are meant to make sure the message gets into our skull!

pnp post time: 2021-05-18 10:14

I simply asked a question - no need for you to supply multiple exclamations in your firey answer.

Newtown post time: 2021-05-17 20:01

That is not the case; you are letting your imagination run wild! There is nothing in the thread to suggest anything like that!

It is too late because those caught in the lift when the scooter burst into flames got hurt real bad, and there is no way for them to escape because the lift door was shut and could only open at the next level!!  Too late because this could have been prevented by not allowing motorised scooters to be pushed into lifts!

pnp post time: 2021-05-16 10:27

"Action comes a bit late.." - do you mean after the building has burnt down and the burns unit at the local hospital is overflowing?


With the publicity given by the media on the incident involving scooter  bursting into flame sin the lift, the authorities are stepping up checks on motorised scooters entering apartment blocks to be charged up, and some places have started preventing such scooters from being pushed into lifts!  Action comes a bit late, but better late than never!

The problem with law enforcers in China is that they are reactive, they only act when a serious accident happens when they should have known of the danger of having such scooters in lifts and should have acted before any accident occurs!

Newtown post time: 2021-05-14 04:52

"Motorised scooters could well become more common as the county's population continues its aging trend, lots more grannies on the slow go."

Yes, but the scooters which catch fire are not those used by grannies, but those used by others, such as those used by deliverymen and others on the fast lane; must be due to poor battery quality!

pnp post time: 2021-05-13 15:25

Very true: these examples indicate the lack of social responsibility and mutual respect. Motorised scooters could well become more common as the county's population continues its aging trend, lots more grannies on the slow go.


If law enforcement oficers are not around( and most of the time they are not around), passengers in the lifts should stop scooterists from pushing their bikes into the lift, for their own safety!  The problem is, most Chinese would not speak up for fear of antagonising the scooterists, just as they don't speak up when they see smokers puffing away in public toilets!