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Biden Is Obsessed With China!



May 01, 2021, 13:11

President Biden has China constantly on his mind; he keeps referring to China again and again. He even did so when giving his first speech to Congress, during which he made several references to China;  true to form!  Funny, how a developing country like China figures so highly in Biden's scheme of things!

Is China a threat to the US?  Obviously not, but Biden constantly uses China to drum up support for his policies, including his trillion dollar infrastructure bill, etc etc. trying to outdo the Republicans in anti-China rhetoric.  China does not pose a threat to the US, but Biden has to create the China bogey to gain Congressional support for his actions!  His acknowledgement that the US has fallen way behind China in infrastructure is a clear indication of his fear of China's rise, and that explains many of his administration's policies towards China, including its policy to maintain the tariffs imposed by his predecessor on Chinese goods, a policy that has done enormous damage to US China relations, as well as the lies about Xinjiang Uyghurs genocide!

China should not expect the Biden administration to be more benigh than the Trump administration.  On the contrary, it should expect Biden to be at least as harsh, if not more so, than Trump!  With this as the backdrop, it is hard to see how US and China could meaningfully co-operate in the future for the common good of mankind, something the world badly needs right now!

9 851
emanreus post time: 2021-05-03 13:44

There are no grounds to think that most Americans feel compelled to take umbrage at China when it comes to talking about China's rise. In effect, most Americans tend to bleat about foreign entanglements, which is to say that they don't want their government becoming embroiled in vexed foreign affairs, particularly another war with a big nation. At the same time, some American politicians think differently, opting to flex America's muscles  and  fight for its national interests. Biden and his ilk would tell you that at the heart of the issue is  spheres of influence as well as military alliances.

   Trump chose to roll back America's traditional policy of striking alliances with its allies in Europe and Asia in this regard. Worst yet, he didn't balk at riling America's allies by having  a trade kerfuffle with European nations and Canada; he also demanded that Korea and Japan cough up more for America's protection. 

   Biden won't be making such moves since there are indications that his advisers appear to have agreed that  Biden has to  bludgeon China into doing America's bidding instead of playing chicken like Trump.  How would you do that? Answer: through heightened military cooperation and economic integration. In other words, Trump may have been an irksome loudmouth for China, yet he was still loth to gang up on China. Not Biden. I think he is going to use  such alliances like the so-called Quad and  D10 as a weapon to deal with China.  And for all their differences over some America's policies, the EU and America are still in the same boat just like Britain.

  That's why it's critical for China to have its own trustworthy friends; otherwise, it runs the risk of being marginalised.

emanreus post time: 2021-05-03 13:44

There are no grounds to think that most Americans feel compelled to take umbrage at China when it comes to talking about China's rise. In effect, most Americans tend to bleat about foreign entanglements, which is to say that they don't want their government becoming embroiled in vexed foreign affairs, particularly another war with a big nation. At the same time, some American politicians think differently, opting to flex America's muscles  and  fight for its national interests. Biden and his ilk would tell you that at the heart of the issue is  spheres of influence as well as military alliances.

   Trump chose to roll back America's traditional policy of striking alliances with its allies in Europe and Asia in this regard. Worst yet, he didn't balk at riling America's allies by having  a trade kerfuffle with European nations and Canada; he also deamanded that Korea and Japan cough up more for America's protection. 

   Biden won't be making such moves since there are indications that his advisors appear to have agreed that  Biden has to  bludgeon China into doing America's bidding instead of playing chicken like Trump.  How would you do that? Answer: through heightened military cooperation and economic integration. In other words, Trumpy may have been an irksome loudmouth for China, yet he was still loth to gang up on China. Not Biden. I think he is going to use  such alliances like the so-called Quad and  D10 as a weapon to deal with China.  And for all their differences over some America's policies, the EU and America are still in the same boat just like Brtain. 

  That's why it's critical for China to have its own trustworthy friends; otherwise, it runs the risk of being marginalised. 

Newtown post time: 2021-05-02 22:04

Yes, English teacher is at it again, correcting spelling errors instead of joining the discussion! 


As a Nation, Democrats and Republicans don’t just disagree, they hate each other. 

   No one should be surprised that both of them hate the Middle Kingdom...

   After all, almost half the country (48%) thinks the Republican Party has been taken over by racists, a view held by 80% of Democrats. 

  And the Democratic Party? Nationally; 44% think it's been taken over by socialists – and 82% of Republicans share that opinion, according to the extensive study, "Fractured Nation...

When it comes to issues, Americans aren't just divided over how to handle them. They can't even agree on what the issues are, according to the PRRI study.
     Therefore, no one ought to be surprised that the Middle Kingdom is the most favorable enemy...




US has gravely misunderstood the world, in particular China and US has also shown the world that it isn't about to allow any free economy or a free world. It is either the US' way or no-way. Other nations are not permittted to be stronger than US in education, military and economy or anything at all.

Fred9 post time: 2021-05-02 19:27

I could be 'obessed' with correct spelling, but at least I'm not obese.


People should be obessed with ICERD issues.

emanreus post time: 2021-05-01 16:21

The US can't have the cake nd eat it too!  It wants China's cooperation to tackle the climate issue as well as the North Korea issue, but at the same time it wants to gang up with its allies to oppose China in other matters, including propagating the Xinjiang lies, etc!  It can't have it both ways!  Relations between US and China cannot be compartmentalised into cooperation on climate issue on the one hand, and opposition to China in other spheres! 


re: " hard to see how US and China could meaningfully co-operate in the future for the common good of mankind, something".

 The Middle Kingdom can't afford it, while uncle Sam is dead serious about a military confrontation between the 2 superpowers. Of course, uncle Sam is trying everything is his power to engage 5 eyes, NATO and the newly created Quad and his latest adventure to commit G7 to relist his pain.