Brexit is clearly yet another attack on the euro.
If the poodle-state doesn't abide by EU rules post Brexit, then the EU would have to trade on the same terms as the poodle-state for a level playing-field. It would be the poodle tail wagging the EU dog; ABSURD!
The poodle state has jumped off a cliff, hoping to drag the EU over the edge with the leash. The EU should simply let go and let WTO tariffs come into force. That would mean a border down the Irish Sea and the pooch would be screwed.
The money-changers have always tried to turn dross into gold. So at least they've always accepted that they're thieving parasites. As Ron Paul says, inflation is theft.
As their alchemists failed, they started both World Wars to impose what Germany complained was "jew-confetti", first at the Genoa Conference in 1922, then at the Brettton Woods Conference in 1944. As David P. Goldman points out, the banksters are overwhelmingly Jews.
But the eurozone is a "worthless paper" USD-free zone. Even worse, Germany, Italy, France and Spain all legislated to run a balanced budget. That means no inflation. Poodleville promised a balanced budget by 2016/17 then delayed it 2 years then a further 8 even as they admitted there was little chance they would abide by an agreement for the first time in their history.
Whilst Pat Buchanan has long called Capitol Hill "izraeli occupied territory" and Dick Durbin admits, "frankly they own the place", Poodleville's City of London Corporation has a PERMANENT SEAT in the poodle parliament sat right next to the Speaker in the mother of all sham-democracies. The rigged Brexit referendum had Cesspit London (crime, cockroach, bed-bug and money-laundering capital of the World; cocaine and gonorrhoea capital of Europe) voting Remain.
War criminal, Giorgy Schwartz and war criminal, John Major, Poodleville's former FinMin, both on the board of Blackrock (or is it Blackstone), "broke the bank of Poodleville", when Major joined the ERM at too high an exchange rate. Outgoing FinMin Norman Lamont moaned about "short-termism".
Money-changer Nigel Farage, with a face no mother could love, has zero self-respect. He denounced the Brexit agreement because he wanted the damaging No Deal. He is now warning cokehead war criminal, BoJo The Clown, not to make any last minute concessions.
This is why the money-changers sacked war criminal, Auntie May. She gave a presentation to JP Morgan admitting that Brexit would be a really bad idea. Despite denouncing the Norway option as a bad deal that would be worse than no deal, she clearly tried to aim for it. That would mean the poodle-state would have no say in the rules and regulations. This is why the Leavers cite restoring poodle sovereignty, despite the Great Satan now demanding that the poodle state adopt Great Satan food standards.
With cokehead war criminal, BoJo The Clown rejecting war criminal, Auntie May's deal, delays at borders are now on the cards, despite it being a version of the Norway-option anyway. The single-market is the EU's red-line. So cokehead war criminal, BoJo the Clown, is "kicking teecher in the shins"; mounting an attack on the EU.
No deal, which Farage wants, would additionaly mean a border down the Irish Sea and high tariffs. Don Quixote had more sense.
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