Dec 22, 2015, 17:22
The Global Beautiful Countries Development Report 2015 was issued on Dec 20 at Tsinghua University in Beijing, and ranks China 10th among 185 listed countries.
According to the report, America tops all other countries valued by a comprehensive index that involves 39 aspects such as ecology, economy, politics and society, etc. Following America come Germany and France. The three scored 73.16, 65.31 and 63.19 points out of 100 respectively. "Wealth should not be the only index to evaluate a country's development path, and economic output should not be the only aim of development," said Dr Li Shidong, who headed the study. |
The reason why China hasno legit hope to make it into a rank better than 10 is very obvious: there is no environmental protection awareness in China, with everyone treating the natural resources as if they were a product from one of China's mass production assembly lines. Not only does MotherNature suffer enormously under the impact of boorish and uncaring local consumers - the Chinese do not know when to rein in their greed that is pushing development in tourist destinations towards ugliness.
But tenth position is not bad. My congrats anyway. |
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