

China will be able to triumph on fighting corruptions? (2)
China was experiencing the biggest social changes in human history in the last ten years rein of Hu's government and it's also true in term of the income disparities between government officials and a mass of ordinary workers. So some people suggest if the newly on-staged government can confiscate the corrupt wealth collected by all level officials China can maintain its highly developement speed even if its GDP growth rate is 0%.
My friends give me a very interesting example, taking our lived city, one of China biggest heavy equipment manufacturing bases, as a sample as follows.
one quarter of our city population, 600,000, are working for government and among 20 of them will produce one official and the corruption rate is 90% in the last regime. The middle level official, department chief, in our city state-own enterprises can earn as much as RMB10 million(USD1.6 million) annually and we just take one tenth, 1 million, into count.
1/4*600,000*1/20*90%*1,000,000=RMB6.75 billion/year.
Our city GDP is around 65 billion yuan. So the corruptive value accounted over 10% GDP at least in our city.
Peopple are putting high expectations on the newly crowned Xi's government to fight corruption and draw back the corruptive money from the mouth of previous officials. So China can enjoy at least 10 year high speed developments.


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