

The second railways in Tibet
The Qinghai-Tibet railway is the first plateau railway countries have built, Is the highest in the world, a railway and construction is the most difficult, So I think the country is very powerful !
A few days ago, I went to Chengdu, along the way, very happy. To see a lot of new things, Because I am very long time didn't go out for a walk.
Here I want to mention is the new railway is under contruction, It was in the territory of Aba Tibetan Qiang Autonomous Prefecture Sichuan Province.
As far as I know, the next three years China will be built between three big city Lanzhou to Chengdu,Chengdu to Xining Railway.
This graph is Chengdu-Lanzhou Railway-Huang Sheng Guan tunnel , Under construction. ( I take pictures)
This graph is under construction in the Chengdu-Lanzhou Railway-Huang Sheng Guan train station. ( I take pictures)


Joy.guo 2013-04-16 21:09

Thanks for sharing us your pictures.

DSseeing 2013-04-16 11:03

I like Chengdu, I've been there once. I love the food and people are friendly.