

The world welcoms or rejects China's development? [Copy link] 中文
I think the question deponds on if the global resources are enough to well sopport for the global 6 billion population. If enough, the world can finally find its ways to well accomodate China's developments. If the resources are limited, I think the darwin's natural rules will inevitably appear facing us, that is the strong devours on the weak. Of course, there is another way to turn around the rule, that is the invention of new technology which can find new resources or a new way to well support the whole population in the future. So pray for this way, the world can avoid killing and brutalities. China can be accepted as a friend by US, neibouring countries and the world at large.


Wade_Wong 2013-04-13 19:33

you have a sightful view to the world orders. the world orders sometimes seem to go organizing well, but sometimes go to frustrated.

Joy.guo 2013-04-11 21:30

In fact, China is a responsible country. China is the only country which has only-child policy in the whole world.
We are trying to make progress.

huaren2323 2013-04-07 22:50

Darwin's Theory of Survival of the Fittest is a constant reminder that Man is part ANIMAL an part Humane. The 2 World Wars was to settle how to organize the world and feed its Billions. Technology and Earth resources achieved that BUT still the world order is not good enough for some nations. It seems that massive devastation by nature may soon intervene to a new world order if WE are not wise enough to change.