

A Limerick for me

 A young lady called leaves

  Said 'No' when her honey did call

  Please go away

  I want to stay

  I'm living and having a ball

  I know that I'll meet you one day

  But for now just please go away

  I'm writing a book

  If you want you can look

  Just go and let me have my say

  I'm good you can check with my wife

  But sometimews I find I'm in strife

  Don't pinch my car

  Or you won't get far

  And I'll make you pay with your life

  I don't want to meet the Grim Reaper

  But he seems to think he's my keeper

  Now's not my time

  I'm busy with rhyme

  He'll just have to dig that grave deeper

cleaning wipes


szleaves 2013-03-20 14:04


DSseeing 2013-03-20 13:41

    I didn't get the poem .