

Few Hours Left
2013-02-09 Chinese New Year is just around the corner. I thought we are so ready for the New Year's Eve celebration. Well, well, well, we're not. Oh my goodness. People here are still busy doing many things. They went to the market again. They will still buy more vegetables and fruits.
We already have fish, meat, chicken, dumplings, nuts, fruits, fruit juices, vegetables, soft drinks. I wonder what else could be missing? Anyway, I would to love see a festive table later. While waiting for every one, I can hear firecrakers outside. Our doors and other parts of the house have this red papers with "good wishes" inscripted in Chinese characters. I like the designs. Our home looks so inviting and special.
Hoping later would be fun, eating again and be with the whole family sitting together sharing stories and fun moments!


magnumlea 2013-02-10 19:51

"You thought it was rubbish?" Oh well, it's my point of view.  I love to see/watch this kind of celebration and I felt that the gala was very nice.  The point is I'm not saying it's good because I'm in China, it's because I enjoyed it.

DSseeing 2013-02-10 16:43

How did you like the gala? 

I thought it was rubbish

magnumlea 2013-02-09 21:30

Happy New Year too!  I am watching the Spring Festival Gala now.  I was surprised that Celine Dion sang, not once but twice.  The celebration this year is surely special.

waiboshu 2013-02-09 16:14

Happy new Year, would you see spring festival gala?