

Today is Martin Luther King day in the United States of America
Today is Martin Luther King day in the United States of America.
My personal elaboration of the wisdom of Martin Luther King:
Never judge a person by the color of their skin, ethnicity, culture, nationality or gender rather by the content of their character and that alone


americantongue 2013-01-24 04:45

Indeed, we need diversity training badly in China. Just take a look at job postings, that says it all.
For a country that claims to value education, where's the value in discrimination? Parents often resort to desperate tactics to get their child into a "good" school. However, once in the working world the kid is faced with discrimination based on gender, ethnicity, looks, weight, height, social status, etc. This is hypocrisy. Who needs competetion when discrimination is prevalent....

OvaRoXo 2013-01-22 15:12

I appreciate !