

Learning English: Parts of Speech

If you want to startle your teachers, classmates or parents with what you know about English, follow this lesson. Learn it. You will memorize it easily. It will be very useful for you in your future English learning.

Parts of Speech

Parts of speech basically tag (identify) different kinds of words in a language. English has 8 parts of speech. You can memorize them easily by just remembering PANIC V. 'Panic' is a common word in English. It means to be anxious about something. For example, if you are on the platform of the subway and suddenly see a child fall on to the tracks, you will panic. Another example is when you oversleep and realize that you have an English exam at 8 a.m. You look at the clock on your phone and see that it is 7:55 a.m. You panic.

Now, let's use this word to memorize the parts of speech in English.

We're going to use each letter PANIC V for one part of speech. We are going use the first two letters, PA, twice. This will teach us the 8 parts of speech in English.

P - pronouns       P - prepositions

A - adverbs         A - adjectives

N - nouns

I - interjections

C - conjunctions

V - verbs

You can see how to use the acronym PANIC V to learn the parts of speech in English. Even if you don't know that names, you will learn them later in your English class and this very useful acronym will help you to easily remember them.


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