

My heart follows

On 21th Feb. 2021, a bilingual lecture was given by Zhou Changu Art Museum to a group of children at age six to 13.

As the volunteer teacher, I named this lecture “My heart follows" based on the art exhibition on set, "Classic of the times by Lu Yanshao, Song Wenzhi and Zhou Changu." It also meant that my heart followed three great Chinese painters, and I wished to pass the Chinese culture to the young generation.

During the lecture, I mainly talked about how to appreciate the Chinese Paintings, such as the arrangement of the pictures, poem, calligraphy and seals.

Both Lu Yanshao and Song Wenzhi had created many landscape paintings according to Tang Poem of ancient China. Such as painting“轻舟已过万重山”by Mr.Song Wenzhi. The name of this art work is from well-known poem “Leaving the White King’s town at dawn by Li Bai.

He also painted many pictures of Southern China. Such as “江南春”,it matched Bai Juyi’s poem, “Dreaming of the Southern Shore”.

After listening to the lecture and visiting the real masterpieces on set, Children were satisfied and contented. Their eyes shone, their faces were bright with happy and sweet smiles. They learnt not only how to appreciate the traditional Chinese paintings and poems but also the language of English.

As the saying goes, “The old must make way for the young.” Children are the future of our country, and it is my great honor to equipment them   with a sense of perspective of our great culture. Let them to promote the traditional culture in the future.


SEARU 2021-08-10 10:44

Really nice!