Never be a fool or tool of the USA or major powers advocating and provoking wars and conflicts. Whereas, only weak, poor and corrupt regimes bite on such dirty, filthy and diseased baits.
Though and through playing dumb and deaf, the world knows too well that China over the thousands years of peaceful coexistence and especially during the periods of resuscitating and resurrecting China post-WW2; it, ( the CCP or CPC as the western influenced world wishes to demean it as though communism is wilder than western cowboy systems ), has never encroached upon others unlike the USA which in its aftermath and gratified WW2 victory has always been white-lying, coercing, plundering, robbing and stealing from others who were and are weaker in military and economic terms using explicated pretexts of governing global peace.
Many examples of real life destructive events and misdeeds were demonstrated by the USA as seen in the Korean Invasion, Vietnamese Invasions, Iraqi War of WMD, Syrian War, Afghanistan War, Ukraine- Crimea skirmishes and all Mid-East conflicts. It is hoped that the world places wake up and stay awake to remember all these heinous, wicked and evil works of the USA and its allies.
In essence, it is all about US’s hegemony and hypocrisy in its practical means to stop others from getting better than or ahead of it, economically and technologically. China has thus become US’s scapegoat to blame or punching bag because no other nation besides China has the power and imaginations of its highly innovative and enriched masses ( especially of the well educated middle class citizens of China ) to match the USA in every form sooner or later; if not ahead.
Within the USA, its domestic troubles are booming like boomerangs hoovering ever so dangerously with daily shootings and killings, diseases and illnesses beyond means and racism runs furiously afoul. Hence, BLM and numerous other racially violent groups are mushrooming in hates and hatreds ( inside the USA, creating such beautiful scenes is a famous expression of US top politician, Madam Pelosi, whilst current president Trump is dreaming of making America Great Again with violent, deaths and destruction ).
Extremely cautious notes here are:
In any shooting war against China by any other nation in this world or the loudly called “Indo-Pacific Alliance”echoed strongly by Aussie politicians, the end results will be very dreadfully painful and disastrous for all parties involved. That is, the more nations are involved the worst effects will be felt because all participants will receive the same devastating end effects of wars ( alias, new coronavirus death tolls in effect x 1000 times at least ).
All nations ( especially those in ASEAN, East Asia & South Asia groups ) ought to be well aware of the lasting consequences should a shooting war breaks out from such Indo-Pacific Alliance. This is a hypersonic age of technologies and nuke wars are just at a finger-tip out of any uncontrollable heart pulse.
Believing in it that any shooting war against China will never ever going to benefit any party or nation ( globally too ). It is thus assumed that national heads of each ASEAN, East Asia and South Asia groups have implanted or implanting these very gloomy and doomy scenarios in their heads and chests clearly, deeply and solemnly.
Never be a fool or tool of the USA or major power advocating and provoking wars and conflicts. There is no more those notorious "Eight Nations Alliance" to invade and plunder China again ever; hence meaning the USA and allies will never win in their shooting expeditions against China in this era !