

am i the only one that has a love hate relationship with microcontrollers?
2012-02-19 like a year ago me and microsoft had a parting of the sheets.i had accidently left it so that the free version of visual basic could install updates and the next thing i knew they were telling me that the computer that i bought not only would not let me into visual studio any more but also needed the verification # on the envelope the disk came in . so i had to regain root control of my own computer. i did it by installing virus laden programs that the net offers for free so they can steal your info so i could burn and read iso
windows iso cost money and they would rather expose your computer to id theft than give you a free program,but i used the free programs to install LINUX then deleted everything that was not the new install.now i program in mono and avr dude and arduino ide. i cant believe how many programs i get for free. and i never ever hear my cpu fan kick on wich means that i never heat the cpu i do miss netflix,but there are work arounds if i want them . i dont . now i hear windows 8 is basicly linux wich means that they got tired of writing code for the 99.9% of the viruses that are made that are targeted at windows so now the open source community has to carry the fire wall of a system that will never be as good as linux or as free.any way i kind of got on a tandent i find it easier to dedicate an old 50 $ computer and a cnc board than to try to program a microcontroller to do the the same thing. you cant if you are limited by space but it is so much easier and it does consume more power, but you all so get more power from the steppers.and if it needs to be portable you can modify an UPS ,unfortuneately lap tops dont come standard with parallel ports.the thing that is decisive for me is instead of programming it you can run it as a scheduled task.


scrotymcbugerba 2012-12-13 14:22

beagle boned it