

Birthday of Confucius

I am very sure few of us Chinese youngsters know about this holiday, because they only care about the old guy with long beard in the red coat on the back of a reindeer in December. But I have to point it out that a holy person or a sage is absolutely NOT that old guy.

Today September 28 is the birthday of Confucius, and he taught his student that one should be honest before becoming a good teacher. His disciple Zengcan once told his son that he would kill a pig to eat the pork if he behaved well at home while the father went to a fair, and later when the father was home, the kid asked where the pork was, Zengcan became hesitant because the pig was the only one thing valuable at home that was preserved for new year,but for the sake of honesty, he and his wife cut the pig, which I think is much greater achievement than General George Washington who cut off his father's cherry tree at his young age.


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