



Maurício Munhoz

What is modern in economics? Who is thinking about the new trends for this increasingly globalized world?

The Chinese are certainly ahead. I had the opportunity to spend a period of my life at the economics faculty of Beijing University, and I knew the mechanisms of the so-called One Belt and One Road, which is a great design for the formation of an incredible economic bloc.

The Chinese also saw, some time ago, the idea that currency is an instrument of account, of accounting itself. A concept that the brazilian economist Andre Lara Rezende described in a recent article.

But Americans are not sleeping. The MIT and HARVARD have developed an Atlas of Economic Complexity that accompanies, through a BIG DATA, the movement of more than 5 thousand products in 126 countries, and thereby distinguish the degree of dynamism economies of the countries.

You can view details of any country in any year. For example: in 1962, almost 49% of Brazilian exports were coffee. In 2017, five products accounted for almost 50% of exports: iron, soy, sugar, oil and meats.

In the Legislative Assembly of Mato Groso, Brazil, we have developed the ICSM, the Sustainable Growth Index of the Municipalities, which accompanies the economic, social and environmental indicators of the municipalities of Mato Grosso.

What Atlas and ICSM have in common is summarized in the text below, paraphrasing Paulo Gala:

Agriculture can simply import the machinery and chemicals it needs, and in that case Mato Grosso will remain a large high tech farm that employs few people, primarily to run the tractor, the planter, and the combine.

In addition, our primary exporting agriculture is very dependent on the commercial mechanism of the Chicago Stock Exchange, but the São Paulo Stock Exchange and Futures Exchange could be more integrated. The old custom of selling through Chicago is a dogma of the economy that deserves to be revised, as well as other ways and ways that the world productive sector has not yet learned to question.

Maurício Munhoz is a sociologist and winner of the Celso Furtado Prize for Economy 2017/18


mauriciomunhoz 2020-05-09 08:29

What is modern in economics?

cruisercba 2019-03-25 01:25

I agree, China can trade on a Brazilian stock exchange

scape 2019-03-25 01:19

I also believe it is possible to trade on a Brazilian stock exchange.

scape 2019-03-25 01:18

I also understand that China is ahead of the world in innovation and understanding of the economy. On the Chicago stock exchange, I also believe it is possible to trade on a Brazilian stock exchange.

wangbeijing 2019-03-21 08:10

very interesting the big date, I did not know.

mauriciomunhoz 2019-03-21 08:01

without a doubt, yes

AnneJustin 2019-03-21 07:59

A very rich article, which shows us the great possibility of expansion of the relationship between China and Brazil

mauriciomunhoz 2019-03-21 07:48

yes, I agree

kevinruud 2019-03-19 12:00

You only focus on trade in products, as far as Brazil is concerned, the trade in service also plays an important role, with so many Brazillian footballers  active around the world Brazil gain a big sum