

An Engineer and A Teacher

One day a school teacher met a company engineer at a café.

“Hi, I am a school teacher, but I am interested in engineering.” The teacher gave a preliminary introduction.

“Oh, glad to hear that. I am an engineer, but to tell you the truth, I don’t like my job very much.” The engineer responded.

“Then, what interests you?” inquired the teacher holding his coffee.

“Teaching, especially teaching teenagers!” answered the company employee.

“Why didn’t you quit your job and work as a teacher?” the teacher came straight to the point.

“Well, first. I am now in protection of the Labor Law. As long as I don’t make fatal mistakes, no one can fire me. Second, it is hard to find a teaching job as stable as my current one, especially at the age of over 35 which most schools consider too old. ” having sipped his coffee, the engineer continued: ”so why didn’t you?”

“Likewise, I am afraid I cannot get an engineering job so secure as mine. Plus, although it was me getting my current job on the surface, without the covert help from my family the chance would be dreadfully low. “was the response.

“Were we able to swap our jobs instead of being stranded in such stagnation, it would be much greater for both of us. ”

“yes, but for ever might it be a dream. I now have a car, an apartment, and a lovely wife. In the next years I will have my children. I am satisfied. ” the teacher intended to close the conversation, “Okay, it was a nice talk, but I have an errand to run. Bye, mate.”

“Goodbye, my friend.” said the engineer, after which they separately left the café.

On their ways home later that day, they were not presumably happy, as if something was lost.


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