

2017-07-13 Yesterday is Tuesday, my daughter got cold and have fever in the daytime. And I went home from work to take her to the hospital. The cause of fever is virus. May be I was affected by virus from a colleague and then passed them to my daughter. After the doctor giving us some medicine, we went back and I went to company again.

Yesterday, in the morning, there was a kick off meeting about EF English learning program. There were about 40 persons in our company attending the program, which last 6 monthes. I decided to study hard and improve my English visibly.

Yesterday, I mainly worked in making new software releasing all day long.

In the night we had a conference with NAFTA TS group.

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Yesterday, we went to a park near Tai lake of Suzhou named YuanBo Park. we earned its entrance tickets by distributing its Weichat information to 5 friends of mine. The park is very exquisite. It rained for a while when we toured the park. we spend about 3 hours there, then we went to a nearby park named MuChun park, where we can see the lake and yachts. Then we came back.

In the night, I should care about my daughter, but I was too sleepy to care about her. When I dream that my mom said to me that my daughter was a little bit warmer than usual, I was going to check her. Then in real life, she fell down the bed with her head hit the ground. Then she cried loudly and I waked up from my dream. Then my mom brought her to her room, Which I feel so sorry.

Yesterday, I read COE cal change, then arrange a hot/alt test plan. I install a matlab 2016b software in the old computer.

Today, I continue to arrange the plane in the morning.

Last Thursday and Friday, I read COE document, try data processing and asked some data processing questions from matt.


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