

Beware of Beijing Bacui Bilingual School!
2017-06-14 I like to think I am a positive person, but in this case I have to share a negative experience and give warning to other foreign teachers about a school in Beijing.

Beijing Bacui Bilingual School hired me in 2011 upon my return to Beijing. While the job started out okay, it quickly unraveled into a very bad experience. And it all really boils down to the poor administration, Vice Principal and Principal.

On average, anywhere from 5-7 teachers have left in the middle of the school year in an effort to escape. Last year was 7...gone...what some of use foreigners call "runners". The fact I have two small children has made it a little bit more difficult for me to move on, but I eventually found my dream job and will be starting in August. Therefore I feel free and compelled to write this now.

Among the bad experiences I have witnessed during my six years at Bacui Bilingual School are: lack of organization by the Vice Principal, tedious tasks such as the VP forcing me to correct her son's writing while he is in university in Australia, the claim that the she (VP) went to Cambridge University in England (she consistently speaks/writes in Chinglish), the fact the Principal at a 'bilingual' school doesn't speak English, oversized classes above the number stated in the contract, recruiting students with only minimal English skills in university preparation courses, the misfortune of having a foreign teacher commit suicide last year after the VP would not let him return home after being homesick, hiring a teacher the VP eventually found out to be a drug dealer and not firing him (even re-hiring him!), the VP calling my newborn baby 'disabled' after I took time off because he was born with a minor birth defect, keeping salary from teachers who will not re-sign automatically, not cancelling foreign expert certificates for teachers wishing to move on to another school (in my case...currently waiting on this!), paying first year teachers more than 5th-6tth year teachers (also my case). It's not even run as a school really, just a business/training center that is corrupt on so many levels. It was founded by the Red Cross, but the Red Cross pulled out their funding after they found out one of the administrators was embezzling money. He left quietly the next year. And, oh yeah! Salary is only paid in cash as a tax loophole. So many problems with this school. I could go on and on...

It wasn't all bad....some of my students were truly great, and I became close with some of the Chinese staff and teachers. But the Vice Principal, Principal and Senior administration were truly egregious. Manipulative monsters.

I feel lucky and blessed to finally be free of them.

A warning to foreign teachers....beware of BEIJING BACUI BILINGUAL SCHOOL!!!



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