


I am a Canadian, an ally of the USA, a liberal supporter of a progressive capitalism, and proud of our "Western traditions". I feel badly about the mistakes the West made in colonialism; but I'm not "overwhelmed by guilt" because other cultures have done just as terrible things. This current Korea problem disturbs me because it could cause the deaths of millions. However, in it, I see an opportunity for "the West" to build a much better relationship with China.

Basically, a look at the map shows me that the Korean Peninsula is the "front porch" of China. It blocks access from the Yellow Sea to the Pacific Ocean. China is already the second "world power". The United States would never tolerate Chinese forces in Mexico. Why should China have to put-up with US forces in Korea?

My proposal is that the US forces guarding the DMZ should be replaced by Chinese forces. It is actually a UN force, and China is now a UN member. I do not think the Kim regime would be so foolish as to attack Chinese forces.

The Koreans need to accept that they are under the influence primarily of China - not the USA. Together, the Koreans and the Chinese can work-out a way to make Korea a happy place in which to live. I don't think they need any "Western outsiders"! What do you think?


Ted180 2017-08-08 08:17

Americans have NO NEED for influence over Korea. That is China's territory. China and US need mutual respect.

Ted180 2017-08-08 08:15

Very funny that you (a communist Asian) and I (a capitalist North American) happen to AGREE that the solution is for US to leave Korea. I don't agree US needs to leave Japan.  

Ted180 2017-05-10 01:30

And, underlying this attempt to spur discussion on possible cooperation between China and the USA in solving the DPRK problem, is my opinion that a good relationship between these, the two greatest world powers, is essential for the survival of humanity.

Ted180 2017-05-03 21:15

I'm disappointed that people were not interested in commenting. I'd hoped that a lively discussion would occur. My purpose had been to see if we could reconcile the various opinions and reach a workable solution to this sad situation.

Ted180 2017-04-30 21:19

I'm a bit disappointed by the tone of HailChina's contributions. It is too unfriendly to the West. My hope is that the resolution of the Korea problem in a manner that fulfils the legitimate security concerns and the pride of China will bring about a genuine friendship between East and West. Indeed, that is more important in the long run than what happens to Korea itself. My point is that the end of the Korea problem would be a blessing to both China and the US.

HailChina! 2017-04-30 09:45

ISIS is in Yemen apparently. I thought the Americans were fighting the Houthi over there. ISIS is fighting the Houthi? What? I cant keep up since the Houthi kicked the Americans out of Yemen. Lots of people starving in Yemen right now. They need a lot of aid. The UN is pretty worried about it..

HailChina! 2017-04-30 09:42

China already has more real influence over South Korea than the Americans because of Chinese economy. When the Yankee goes home the Americans will have no influence over Korea at all. They will have to send ISIS in to Korea or something if they want an excuse to stay. And few are going to believe that. the Americans are on their last legs. They are pathetic and ridiculous. The time has come for China to crush them.

HailChina! 2017-04-30 09:38

I think that China should invade North Korea and then unify it by getting rid of demilitarized zone or whatever it is, and helping with unification transition. When China defeats the North Korea regime there will be no excuse for US forces to remain in NK and also not much excuse for them to be in Japan - plus no real excuse for their so-called 'pivot' to Asia. China needs to stop being a coward and just invade North Korea. That is the solution. The world needs strong leadership that will take action when it is needed. 

When China invades North Korea the Americans and rest of west will have to support the action. What are they going to do? Defend North Korea? Sure they will say that China is taking it for themselves but when China does all the reunification stuff the Americans will be bamboozled and have no excuse but to go home.