

Positivity and Good Fortune Lead to Prosperity
2017-03-31 I recently have come into so much good fortune in my life that I feel the need to share it with the readers in this Forum. To begin, I have recently become a spritirual person and even religious - I attended church on Christmas morning, and visited many temples (Hindu, Buddhist) while traveling around India in February. My luck has to do with employment, and a job offer I accepted this month that I never thought would be available to me.

Now, I receive many job offers on a monthly basis, but turn a blind eye to 95% of them. My current job that I am leaving has been okay for me and provided a living for my family and I. I have taught at my current school for six years, but have recently become weary of my shady, perhaps sexist VP who dislikes hiring men, and has been giving new, 1st year teachers contracts that are more lucrative than my current salary and package. I've always worked hard for her, and she's promoted me to Senior English teacher, but she does not appreciate the teachers, esp. men that she hires. She is very proud of herself, and speaks in a mock-British accent with a Changzhou, Jiangsu dialect. She claims to have attended Cambridge University in England, yet cannot write an e-mail without grammar mistakes. After 6 years at this school, I was even planning on my son to attend this fall, and pretty much prepared to work for her indefinitely.

Until I received a WeChat message from a recruiter who I'd never met before for a job at a new Harrow-run British school that opened in Beijing two years ago. Now this is the 1% of jobs that would perk my interest, and I told her, "of course I'm interested!" I don't even recall sending my resume in or anything to her. She put me in touch with the VP and former head of Harrow Bangkok, Harrow International and now current VP of my future school. A native of New Zealand and working on his 2nd PhD, I had a very friendly Skype interview with him, and he e-mailed me later to come in for a demo. "Wow!" I thought..."really?" Now the only other demo I've had during my 6 years at my current job was at Tsinghua International High School and it didn't go so well. So this time, I prepared. I prepared and put together a PPT that would impress any educator or student.

After arriving at the school and meeting him personally, I gave my demo and pretty much knocked his socks off. He was impressed that I remembered the students' names the first time I met them, and really delivered an outstanding, bilingual English lesson based on global culture and customs.

I met with him and their director of studies thereafter and discussed the position. I was extremely positive with them both and just honest about why I would be better qualified than most any other candidate. After I went home and traveled to India for a week, I came back and was told that the VP wanted to Skype again with me.

This time I received an offer on the basis of providing references. I told my current VP that I may be accepting an offer and asked for a reference. She refused based on the notion that she cannot give me a reference until my current contract is terminated. I know, beyond infurating. Luckily, the Senior Chinese English teacher at my school provided a reference and I was e-mailed the contract. After reading it over carefully, I signed and accepted the position at one of the most prestigious, Harrow-run International schools in all of China, if not Asia.

In addition to a much better salary, and now the chance to teach English AND History (I double-majored in both), my family will receive full medical insurance from a world class provider, more than DOUBLE for accomodation allowance, and free tuition for my children to attend. Free tuition. Unbelievable. This truly is the luckiest thing that's ever happened to me. I start this fall, and will miss some things about my current school, but not my manipulative, pseudo-Cambridge, MBA-business VP who I thought had me trapped here forever! Sweet justice!

Life is good friends, and yes, I've become more superstious, spiritual and even religious over the years. Out of 50 applicants, I was one of two who got chosen, and I truly believe that this is fate and someone is watching over me. My life is about to change, and I will finally be living a dream I once never thought attainable.

Stay positive and prosper, friends!


AndrewHLi 2017-04-06 11:02

good luck!

SharkMinnow 2017-04-06 09:21

Thanks all! This string of good luck also comes after a couple very hard years for my family....and yes, I am a pretty giving person and even like to give gifts to people! The kicker is, my new VP has the same name as me...and also two boys! :P

animalfarmer 2017-04-01 20:17

I've never read a story like this. Good for you.

parcher 2017-04-01 15:19

Good fortune normally happens to people who help others 1st....

Chengking 2017-03-31 17:38

Happy for you and your family. I am sure you will enjoy your life in Beijing.

HailChina! 2017-03-31 17:32

Proud people annoy me too. 

I am happy to hear about your good fortune. You strike me as a very decent person. Congratulations on your new life!