

The Keys to Success in Any Discipline
The Keys to Success in Any Discipline Are:
  1. HARD WORK - All people that have been successful have had to work hard to achieve their success! To work hard, you need many other character traits, but it is very important that if you have an objective that you want to get to you know how hard you have to work to achieve it. You have to be aware of the hard work that lies ahead of you - and then you must start working!
  2. PERSEVERANCE - Whether you want to be a lawyer or an athlete, you are always going to have to reach for a goal and continue working your way to achieving that goal. You have to have perseverance and despite the consequences you have to keep working until you accomplish what you wanted to accomplish.
  3. DISCIPLINE - In all areas of life, you have to be disciplined. To achieve any goal (even if it's personal) you have to be disciplined to work hard enough to achieve what you want to achieve. You even need discipline to get out of bed and go to school if you are a student. Discipline is what can make you improve.
  4. DETERMINATION - To be successful, you have to be determined and focus on your goal. You have to make sure that you are determined and that you are pushing yourself to your fullest. You can't let anything distract you if you are determined.
  5. STRENGTH OF CHARACTER - In any discipline, you will get criticised because nobody is perfect! You have to have a strong character to be successful and that means being open to criticism. If someone tells you that you aren't good enough, you have to work harder and not take anyone's insults personally.
  6. PASSION (LOVE OF WHAT YOU DO) - In my opinion passion is the most important key to success. If you don't love what you do you will never be successful and you will never be good at what you do, because you won't have the will to achieve it. If you have passion, you will have the will to work hard and you will accomplish great things.
  7. CREATIVITY - Everyone that is successful has to be creative. Every discipline needs a different type of creativity. An entrepreneur has to be creative with the way he designs his companies. A diplomat has to be creative with the way he talks to people. An artist has to be creative with his paintings, and a dancer has to be creative with his choreography. Creativity is always different, and always important.
  8. INDEPENDENCE - To accomplish a goal, you must be able to work independently and be able to do things alone without anyone's help. You must be able to do things at a great level without relying on anyone else, or you will never be able to live life, let alone achieve a goal and work well!
  9. INTERDEPENDENCE (TEAMWORK) - Even though independence is very important, interdependence is important, too. Interdependence means being able to work well with others. Working well with others is a skill that is important throughout your whole life - to be able to communicate with others and create good results by working with other people. To achieve a goal you will need other people's help and you will also need to be able to do things not only alone!


mauriciomunhoz 2017-03-10 10:46

I agree

HailChina! 2017-03-03 12:04

Not all successful people have to work hard. Many are naturally talented and things are easy for them especially if they are advantaged. Most disadvantaged people do not to work hard no matter how gifted but not all of them. Plus many are born into 'success' and they do not need to 'succeed', only to enjoy. 

Have you ever seen the film 'The Longest Week'? For many things are very different. Really it is only slaves that need to or would want to 'succeed'. I do not like what you are saying in your blog. It is slave talk. Or propaganda for slaves.