I was stopped by a young couple (who later claimed to be brother and sister) while getting out of the subway months ago. The man (both of them are of my age, if not younger) said his wallet got stolen but his sister had to go take the bus home in a place I don’t recall and were short of 20 something. So they asked me if I can lend them and they promised to pay it back as soon as they could.
I had my doubts. For example, why should I trust you? He answered this by eagerly showing his ID card which I didn’t even take a look (come to think about it now, the card should probably be gone if his wallet was really stolen). Can you pay me back now by Wechat or Alipay? He said something about his bank card that I no longer remember. Deep down I wanted to believe that they are honest people who indeed need the help, but obviously they looked too much like liars. See me struggling there, he even played the “guilt” trick, asking me why would they lie and blah blah blah in a fretful manner which perplexed me until this day. How could they cheat money out of people and still being so unapologetically self-righteous?
In the end, I gave them 30 (that’s all the cash I had. They clearly had no “mercy” for me. ) He added me on Wechat and I left. A part of me knew that the money would never come back, but the other part wanted to have faith in people. I didn’t hear from him for one week and then two weeks. Turned out he had already deleted or blocked me god knows when.
That was the first time that I met people who officially asked me for money. I mean, I’ve seen many times at train stations people of different ages walk up and down the queues, asking for money. Sometimes it’s an old man with a cane in one hand and a box in the other, but more commonly adolescent girls and boys who cannot speak with a book, gathering signatures and money. But I didn’t have to make the choice of trusting or not trusting them because there was no direct confrontation.
But in some cases, I can spot a liar when I see one. I saw an unusually “grand” scene outside the entrance of a mountain park during the past holiday. The square was packed with “performers”. Some as I see are real performers, singing or drawing to win tips. A young lady without arms was writing calligraphy with her mouth, attracting a huge crowd. Some, however, were less hard-working. They sat in a row in a nonchalant manner with large pieces of paper in front of them telling the sad stories of each. A woman no more than 30 was wearing mourning for her husband, her little girl sitting beside her. Honestly, I’ve read the same story of a man suddenly fell seriously ill upon arriving in a completely new and strange place several times while in Beijing. You experience world of difference from Beijing to Guangdong, yet the misfortunes of people are surprisingly similar.
My family discussed all the way up the mountain. My mother was totally in awe of the armless lady and talked about her in great respect. I really felt sorry for that little girl. Growing up like this must be difficult and will surely affect the way she leads her life in the future. But we all wondered why those adults wouldn’t go get a job. Young and healthy, they can support themselves with a job in any factory. Why would anyone prefer to live like this, being looked at as liars and crooks?
The temptation of reaping without sowing, laziness, lack of education, or family reasons, I cannot know but to guess. It started raining when we got out of the park. The square was half clear. Most of the performers were gone, nowhere to be seen.
There are frauds everywhere, so are people really in need of help. I was cheated but not discouraged. Do to others as you would have them do to you. But stay alert and stay sharp.
What you do not want done to yourself,do not do to others.
I feel this is better.
The problem is, my mind went blank sometimes in such cases.But you are right--at least this is a lesson learned.
Blah blah you wretch. And a labour camp. Ha.
When I take over the world all citizens will have to do three months of non-military national service. There will be no unemployed people, only reserves. Officially the reserves will be valued, and people like you will be encouraged to shut the %$%$ up or to speak your wretchedness in private.
No one is forcing anybody to live in any conditions. If people want a better life, its better if they make an effort themselves first before putting their hands out again, and asking others to do it. Do you think life owes you a favour? really......tell me what contribution you have made to society that is so great, that you now think you should b given a better life at the expense of others? if you don't want to work in a factory that's fine, but don't sit outside in the pouring rain with messages written on cardboard asking for pity...
I actually give the homeless money, but only the old who cannot work. Young fathers wearing smart clothes who sit outside with their babies scrounging should be sent to a labour camp for 1 month.
I also had a dog years ago, but sadly he passed away. His name was prince, and he used to enjoy steaks, hamburgers, fish, and many walks. Every now and them my aunt would take him for a week when prince had nobody to look after him, but old prince had become greedy He didn't want to eat dogs food anymore........my aunt is not someone to mess around with, and left the food out until greedy prince got the message, and realized if he doesn't accept what is there......he will starve....
always be grateful for what you have......nobody owes you anything....
What are you so guilty about? I wasnt talking to you.
"For a town or country labourer to practise thrift would be absolutely immoral. Man should not be ready to show that he can live like a badly-fed animal. He should decline to live like that, and should either steal or go on the rates, which is considered by many to be a form of stealing' _ The Soul of a Man Under Socialism
I am always happy when I hear that an abusive dog owner has been mauled by his own dog. You cant blame a dog for attacking its abusive master can you? If the dog was feel fed and looked after and it attacks its owner then you could have pity for the owner, not not if the owner has abused the dog.
They all smoke, are fat, have kids, and seem to manage no problem do they? They seem to do they? Compared to what? Compared to homeless English people hey. Ha. That is good.
It is not about pity - it is about treating your fellow man with dignity and respect. If you force people to live as badly fed animals then of course they will act like animals.
"Old longings nomadic leap,
Chafing at custom's chain;
Again from its brumal sleep
Wakens the ferine strain."
Three men from a neighboring tent came out and looked on, grinning and winking at one another.
“You’ve got a right smart load as it is,” said one of them; “and it’s not me should tell you your business, but I wouldn’t tote that tent along if I was you.”
“Undreamed of!” cried Mercedes, throwing up her hands in dainty dismay. “However in the world could I manage without a tent?”
“It’s springtime, and you won’t get any more cold weather,” the man replied.
She shook her head decidedly, and Charles and Hal put the last odds and ends on top the mountainous load.
“Think it’ll ride?” one of the men asked.
“Why shouldn’t it?” Charles demanded rather shortly.
“Oh, that’s all right, that’s all right,” the man hastened meekly to say. “I was just a-wonderin’, that is all. It seemed a mite top-heavy.”
Charles turned his back and drew the lashings down as well as he could, which was not in the least well.
“An’ of course the dogs can hike along all day with that contraption behind them,” affirmed a second of the men.
“Certainly,” said Hal, with freezing politeness, taking hold of the gee-pole with one hand and swinging his whip from the other. “Mush!” he shouted. “Mush on there!”
The dogs sprang against the breast-bands, strained hard for a few moments, then relaxed. They were unable to move the sled.
“The lazy brutes, I’ll show them,” he cried, preparing to lash out at them with the whip.
The Call of the Wild/Jack London
You bourgeois have a right smart load dont you? And you think it will ride.
This was the first time Buck had failed, in itself a sufficient reason to drive Hal into a rage. He exchanged the whip for the customary club. Buck refused to move under the rain of heavier blows which now fell upon him. Like his mates, he was barely able to get up, but, unlike them, he had made up his mind not to get up. He had a vague feeling of impending doom. This had been strong upon him when he pulled in to the bank, and it had not departed from him. What of the thin and rotten ice he had felt under his feet all day, it seemed that he sensed disaster close at hand, out there ahead on the ice where his master was trying to drive him. He refused to stir. So greatly had he suffered, and so far gone was he, that the blows did not hurt much. And as they continued to fall upon him, the spark of life within flickered and went down. It was nearly out. He felt strangely numb. As though from a great distance, he was aware that he was being beaten. The last sensations of pain left him. He no longer felt anything, though very faintly he could hear the impact of the club upon his body. But it was no longer his body, it seemed so far away.
And then, suddenly, without warning, uttering a cry that was inarticulate and more like the cry of an animal, John Thornton sprang upon the man who wielded the club. Hal was hurled backward, as though struck by a falling tree. Mercedes screamed. Charles looked on wistfully, wiped his watery eyes, but did not get up because of his stiffness.
John Thornton stood over Buck, struggling to control himself, too convulsed with rage to speak.
“If you strike that dog again, I’ll kill you,” he at last managed to say in a choking voice.
The Call of the Wild/Jack London
Dont you feel an impending sense of doom matey? Cant you see that you are on thin ice?
If you are not prepared to treat your fellow man with dignity and respect then dont be shocked when he bites out your throat. When you treat people like animals they become animals. And I am guessing that is fake compassion that you show for your fellow countrymen that are homeless in England. I will save you The People of the Abyss quotes but what you should feel is fear not pity. What do you think led to the workers taking control of England matey? What do you think led to the NHS and the nationalization of so much of England? The King of England had to meet with union leaders didnt he matey? The King of England had to show these workers respect and treat them with dignity didnt he matey. Because if he didnt these workers that had won a war against Hitler for you bourgeois would have revolted. And speaking of Hitler, what led to Hitler matey? Hitler is very much like the John Thornton character from The Call of the Wild isnt he matey. And guess what? Donald Trump is having to pretend to be a John Thornton character right now isnt he matey? What do you think is going to come next matey? A return to the 'grown ups'? Dont bet on it matey.
The Yeehats were dancing about the wreckage of the spruce-bough lodge when they heard a fearful roaring and saw rushing upon them an animal the like of which they had never seen before. It was Buck, a live hurricane of fury, hurling himself upon them in a frenzy to destroy. He sprang at the foremost man (it was the chief of the Yeehats), ripping the throat wide open till the rent jugular spouted a fountain of blood. He did not pause to worry the victim, but ripped in passing, with the next bound tearing wide the throat of a second man. There was no withstanding him. He plunged about in their very midst, tearing, rending, destroying, in constant and terrific motion which defied the arrows they discharged at him. In fact, so inconceivably rapid were his movements, and so closely were the Indians tangled together, that they shot one another with the arrows; and one young hunter, hurling a spear at Buck in mid air, drove it through the chest of another hunter with such force that the point broke through the skin of the back and stood out beyond. Then a panic seized the Yeehats, and they fled in terror to the woods, proclaiming as they fled the advent of the Evil Spirit.
- The Call of the Wild/Jack London
Homeless people. It is not just them that you need to fear. You should also fear the ones sleeping in your English 'sheds with beds'. You should fear every Brexit voter. You should fear every member of the working class.
The salary normally comes with free food and accommodation. I have 50 labourers working in my department who earn nothing more than 1500 rmb but all smoke and some are quite fat. THey even have kids as well to feed but seem to manage no problem, so why should we feel sorry for them? there are thousands of homeless in the uk that would love to have the opportunity to work in a factory to rebuild their lives, but no one will give them any jobs!!
Most beggars in china can find a job, but would rather sit on the streets and ask for pity!!
If they were genuinely in trouble having a purse stolen or some RMB short, direct them to the nearest police station so they can report the theft and maybe have the opportunity to make any emergency phone calls.
if you are one of even 10 people they conned out of 30 rmb on that day, then they are making a very good living.
look on it as a 30 RMB lesson.