

Interesting sentences I learned from Friends0110
In this episode, Ross gets a monkey as his pet and live with it, a lot of funny things will happen between Ross and this monkey, we can talk it later.

There is a party on the new year's day, Chandler propose that they should have a pack that only six of them to celebreate new year this year and others agree with him. But later Phoebe meet a scientific guy who thought she was the most beautiful women he ever seen in his entire life. As you all know, Phoebe is with that guy now and she want to break the pack to spend new year's day with David. Chandler noticed Phoebe’s intention, actually he has asked his ex-girfrend too. One thing after another, all of them break the pack and hold a party on new year's day. So many people come to their party, that is not what they planed. But that is it, they spend this new year whit a lot friends but not only six of them.

Follow are some interesting sentences I learned from Friends0110.

1. Guys, there is some body I want you to meet.
2. So, how did it go?
3. What are you going to do?
4. For your information...
5. We make a pack, this year just six of us for the new year.
6. Is there something your want to share with all the group?
7. You are the most beautiful women I have ever seen in my entire life.
8. Then that is when you start yelling.
9. I see where this going, she wants to break the pack.
10. But if he ask I am not going to lie.
11. If you ever seen him please tell him pack his package, we will go to Minsik.
12. Mike tells me about Minsik.
13. I want to stay here and make out with my girlfriend.
14. You brought your kids? 你带你的孩子来了?


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