The scores for 2017 entrance exam for Master’s Degree were released yesterday, and unfortunately I failed the test. First I feel very bad. I worked a lot to prepare for this exam, after all. However, this is the reality that I must accept.
Then I began to think about the reasons. I realized that I did not work hard enough. In the past year, I kept thinking that there were still much time, and told myself to take it easy. When I wanted to play games or watch movies, I hinted myself that watching these videos could be good for my study. I also overestimate my intelligence quotient, which is actually much lower. Day after day, I kept finding excuses. No pains, no gains. I did not pay enough efforts, so failure is also not a surprise. No one can easily get success, because nothing is deserved, and we must try to gain it.
My friend told me I am great enough, for I was not a full time student, but an employee in a multi-national company. Preparing for the exam while you are still working is not an easy thing. I had to complete all tasks at daytime and study at night. Most of the time, I fell asleep with books still in my hands. Even on holidays, my colleagues kept calling me for business stuff.
But still I can’t forgive myself. Going to college to finish my post graduate study majoring my favorite courses is always my dream, but I just can’t make it. Not because I don't have the ability, but I did not work hard enough. I could have worked harder, without watching movies, shopping, or hiking in the forests. And I should also have concentrated more on the books when studying, without daydreaming. But I did not.
No matter how regretful, I have to face the reality. But a lesson should be learnt from this. “You have a dream, you got to protect it” no matter how much effort you have to pay.
At least you have that idea and you worked for it. It is hard for people who already have work in company to prepare for such exam. As I know, there is other chances if you'd like to choose another university with low acceptance score. You can try it.